@DATABASE "$VER: ZShell.doc 2.7 (15.08.95)" @NODE MAIN "ZShell-Documentation 2.7 (15.08.95)" @{b} ________ ___ ___ /____ /\ (___' |___| |__ '| | \___/ / / ,___) | | |___,|___,|___, / / /____________ _____ _____ / / / \__________ \ /_____\ /__ _/ / / /__ \ \// /___/_\__ \ / /_____\ \_/ \_________/ \________/@{ub} _________________________________________________________ _| |_ | | ZShell v1.30 is Copyright 1990,91 by Paul Hayter | | | | Update to v2.7 is Copyright 1993-95 by Martin Gierich | | | |________________________________________________________ | | |__\| |/__| \| |/ Titlepage created by Timothy D. Cochran (XMR) If you have used another version of ZShell, please read @{" Changes " Link Changes}. @{" For those who never read the whole Documentation" Link For_those} @{" Introduction, Features and Concepts " Link Introduction} @{" Starting ZShell " Link Starting} @{" General Usage " Link General_Usage} @{" Command Overview " Link Index} @{" Builtin Commands for Disk Management " Link BUILTIN1} @{" Builtin Commands for Scripts and Controlling " Link BUILTIN2} @{" Builtin Commands for Advanced Users " Link BUILTIN3} @{" Past, Present and Future " Link Past} @{" Distribution, Copyright and Disclaimer " Link CopyDis} @{" Credits " Link Credits} @{" Authors " Link Authors} @ENDNODE @NODE General_Usage "General Usage" @{" History and Command Line Editing " Link History} @{" Executing Commands " Link Executing} @{" Using Numbers " Link Numbers} @{" Wild Cards " Link Wild_Card} @{" Options " Link Option} @{" Redirecting Input/Output " Link Redirect} @{" Anonymous Pipes " Link Pipes} @{" Filename Completion " Link Filenamecompletion} @{" Tips and Hints " Link Tips} @ENDNODE @NODE Past "Past, Present and Future" @{" Changes " Link Changes} ->Past @{" Known Problems " link Problems} ->Present @{" Possibilities for Future Improvements " Link Future} ->Future @ENDNODE @NODE CopyDis "Copyright & Disclaimer" Some boring but neccessary things: @{" Distribution " Link Distribution} @{" Copyright " Link Copyright} @{" Disclaimer " Link Disclaimer} @ENDNODE @NODE Index "Command Overview" @{" AddBuffers " Link AddBuffers} drive [number_of_buffers] @{" Alias " Link Alias} [variable] [definition] @{" Ask " Link Ask} [question] @{" Assign " Link Assign} [logical name:] [directory] [ADD|DEFER|PATH|REMOVE] @{" Avail " Link Avail} [-C] @{" Border " Link Border} ON|OFF [number] @{" Break " Link Break} task_description [signalmask|C|D|E|F] @{" Cd " Link Cd} [destination] @{" Copy " Link Copy} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] @{" Cls " Link Cls} @{" Comments " Link Comments} @{" Config " Link Ctrl} CTRLKEYS|MOREKEYS|DOT|HIDE|COLOUR|COPYSIZE|FNCSIZE @{" Date " Link Date} [hh:mm:ss|dd.mm.yy|mm-dd-yy] @{" Delete " Link Delete} [-R] [-Q] source1 [source2] [source3] ... [FORCE] @{" Delete Device " Link Delete2} devicename [name [filesystem]] @{" Dir " Link Dir} [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ... @{" DiskChange " Link DiskChange} device @{" Echo " Link Echo} [string] @{" Else " Link Else} @{" EndCLI " Link EndCLI} [-C] @{" EndIf " Link EndIf} @{" Eval " Link Eval} expression @{" Execute " Link Execute} [ZSHELL] source @{" FailAt " Link FailAt} [failat_level] @{" Fault " Link Fault} [error_number] @{" FileNote " Link FileNote} file|directory comment @{" Flags " Link Flags} [CHECK|MATCH|ICON|WILD|ERRORS|DEBUG|CUT|ALL|HIDE|PIPE] [ON|OFF] @{" GetMsg " Link GetMsg} [portname] @{" Help " Link Help1} [topic] @{" HType " Link HType} source [offset] @{" If " Link If} [NOT][WARN][ERROR][FAIL][EXISTS file] @{" Info " Link Info} @{" Join " Link Join} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... destination @{" Kill " Link Kill} device|taskdescription @{" Lab " Link Lab} label @{" List " Link List} [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ... @{" Locate " Link Locate} [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE] @{" Lock " Link Lock} device ON|OFF @{" M " Link M} [start_address] [end_address] @{" MakeDir " Link MakeDir} directory1 [directory2] ... @{" MakeIcon " Link MakeIcon} filename [icontype] @{" MakeLink " Link MakeLink} linkname filename [SOFT] @{" MemClk " Link MemClk} ON|OFF|ALARM @{" More " Link More} source [line_count] @{" Move " Link Move} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] @{" NewCLI " Link NewCLI} [-Wnew_window] [-Sstart_script] [-Ccommand] [-N] [-Hhelpfile] [-E] @{" Path " Link Path} [-C] [path1] [path2] [path3] ... @{" Prompt " Link Prompt} [string] @{" Protect " Link Protect} [-R] [-S] [file/dir1] [file/dir2] ... [+|-|=|h|s|p|a|r|w|e|d] @{" PutMsg " Link PutMsg} port_description [number1|string1] [number2|string2] ... @{" Quit " Link Quit} [error_code] @{" Relabel " Link Relabel} drive newname @{" Rename " Link Rename} source destination @{" Resident " Link Resident} [command1] [command2] ... @{" Review " Link Review} [bytesize|-C|-Sfilename] @{" Run " Link Run} commandline @{" Search " Link Search} file search_string @{" SetClock " Link SetClock} LOAD|SAVE @{" SetDate " Link SetDate} file|directory [date/time] @{" Show " Link Show} D|I|L|M|P|R|S|T|V @{" Skip " Link Skip} label @{" Split " Link Split} [-Q] source dest length [offset] @{" Stack " Link Stack} [size] @{" Strings " Link Strings} sourcefile [count] @{" UnAlias " Link UnAlias} [alias1] [alias2] [alias3] ... @{" Wait " Link Wait} timeout @{" TaskPri " Link TaskPri} priority [task_description] @{" Type " Link Type} source @ENDNODE @NODE For_those "For those who never read the whole Documentation" @{" Start "link Starting} the file called ZShell from Workbench or CLI (SHELL), or even better: Put the file ZShell in the C: directory and start the file ZSH. Now press the HELP key. Among lots of other information you see "TYPE HELP ? ...". Make sure that ZShell.doc is in the @{" current directory " link CD} or in S: and try that. You will see how to use the @{" ONLINE HELP " Link HELP1}. Try to type "HELP HISTORY" to see how @{" command line editing " link History} works. @{" Execute " link Execute} the example startup file "ZStart" or @{" put " link Copy} it into the S: drawer and @{" have a look " link More} at it. Please send @{" me " Link Authors 9} your comment; @{" my " Link Authors 9} Internet-Adress is: uj3w@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Martin Gierich). Click & Play buttons: Normal start -> @{" ZShell " System "ZShell -d"} Showing help -> @{" ZShell -cHELP " System "ZShell -chelp -d"} Try ZStart-script -> @{" ZShell -sZStart " System "ZShell -sZStart -d"} Directory lister -> @{" ZShell -cLIST " System "ZShell -cLIST -d"} Things somewhere hidden in the documentation: * To avoid using an internal command or an alias, you can put a point before it, eg. ".list libs:". * To @{" complete " Link Filenamecompletion} a filename, type in a bit then press TAB. * If you use "config hide *.info", DIR and Filenamecompletion ignore Icons. * To start buffering output, use "review 20000"; press Shift+TAB to see it. With it you can use ">m" to @{" redirect " Link Redirect} to MORE, a bit like piping to MORE. * If you have OS3.0+, try "config colour 01111111". * @{" Aliases " link Alias} work different to them in normal Shell. * Use "prompt %n.%p>" to get a full path prompt with process number. * See @{" FLAGS " link Flags} on how to configure some things you need. With "flags icon on" you can switch on Iconifying. * Try "flags debug on" to debug your script-files and your aliases. * Try to drag Workbench-Icons into the ZShell window * See @{" Features " link Features} and @{" Tips and Hints " link Tips} for more. @ENDNODE @NODE Introduction "Introduction" ZShell is a small, fast and powerful Shell. Have a look at @{" Features " Link Features} to see the advantages. ZShell is tested with Kickstart 1.3 , 2.04 and 3.0 and should run also with other Kickstarts. There are no special requirements, but some things can only be used with Kickstart 2.0 or better. I tried to made usage similar to AmigaDOS. If you did not understand something, have a look at your AmigaDOS usermanual. @{" Concepts " Link Concepts} @{" Features " Link Features} Used Abbreviations: OS2.0+ means Kickstart and Workbench versions are 2.0 or better OS1.3- means Kickstart and Workbench versions are 1.3 or older FNC means filename completion @ENDNODE @NODE Concepts "Concepts" I have heard that there is a Shell called "zsh" on UNICS-systems. ZShell has nothing to do with it, because it tries to be AmigaDOS compatible, not just another UNICS shell clone. The compatibility is, of course, not 100%, if you need that use the original AmigaDOS Shell. So ZShell has some differences, that give the special feeling of it. The first main advantage of ZShell is its power/size ratio. In just 32K there are all often needed commands (like list,copy etc.) and some not so often needed, which do not increase size much. The second main advantage is the Filename completion (short: FNC) and the review buffer. FNC is like those shells on UNICS and can therefore be controlled fully with the keyboard. No annoying filerequesters pop up, that make it neccessary to change from keyboard to mouse. Nevertheless you can use ZShell with (memory hungry and slow) console handlers like @{" KingCON " link StartingCON}. Third, I tried to make using ZShell as easy to use as possible. Not like UNICS shells which have thousands of options you will never keep in mind. Fourth thing is script file execution. ZShell itself supports only the basic stuff to execute scripts, because if you need a more complex construction you can use ARexx or another programming language. ZShell was never intended to be a substitute for a programming language ! You can use scripts made for AmigaDOS shell without problems, because the command EXECUTE uses AmigaDOS to execute it. See @{" Future " link Future} for the future concepts. @ENDNODE @NODE Features "Features" * @{" Freeware " Link Copyright}, no payment required. * Usage is similar (or better) to the standard AmigaDOS shell. * About 32K small (pure assembler code, source included). * Supports the standard housekeeping commands which are builtin, so no disk access is necessary. eg. list, dir, cd, rename, makedir, delete, copy, path, info, type * A total of 66 builtin commands. * @{" Starting " Link Starting} from Workbench (!) or CLI/Shell. No Installation required. * Fast @{" Filename completion " Link Filenamecompletion} by simply pressing TAB. * @{" Anonymous pipes " link Pipes}. You can choose between real and pseudo pipes. * @{" Review buffer " Link Review} to see again what scrolled out of the window. * Some @{" commands " Link BUILTIN3} and features for programmers. * @{" Online Help " Link Help1} function and @{" AmigaGuide-Documentation " link Guide.lib} with examples. * @{" Command line editing " Link history} better than OS2.0/3.0 Shell. * Support of OS2.0+ and OS3.0+ specific features * @{" Wild cards " Link wild_card} and @{" recursive " link Option} processing. * Real @{" RUN " Link Run} and @{" NEWCLI " Link Newcli} command that reenters ZShell quickly. * @{" DIR " Link DIR} and @{" LIST " Link LIST} both sort (by default) and show filesize. * Inbuild Amigaguide-/Multi-viewer * Application-Window/-Icon * Can open window on own @{" screen " Link ScreenStart}. * 100% @{" script " Link Execute} compatibility. * Can @{" create " Link MakeLink} and @{" show " Link List} Hard- and Softlinks. * Command and Function key @{" aliasing " Link alias}. * Can @{" iconify " Link FLAGS 20} itself. * Most things are localized if locale.library is available. * Colorful output (or fast scrolling with OS3.0+, see @{" CONFIG COLOUR " Link CTRL}) * Simple @{" MORE " Link MORE} type text viewer. * Makes itself @{" resident " Link resident} for quicker @{" starting " Link starting} and memory saving. @ENDNODE @NODE Starting "Starting ZShell" There are three ways of starting ZShell: 1. The easiest way: Start the file called "ZShell" from Workbench or CLI/Shell. 2. Put the file called "ZShell" in the C: directory and start the file called "ZSH" from Workbench or CLI/Shell. 3. A bit complicated and only for starting from Workbench: Make a startup script (see below) or an empty file with a PROJECT icon. Change the default tool to "ZSH" or "ZShell" (better ZSH, but then put ZShell in C: ) with the right path. Doubleclicking on this project icon will start ZShell and execute this script. You can also shift-doubleclick a startup script with ZSH/ZShell. The first way is recommended for having a quick glance at ZShell, but if you use ZShell sometimes, the second way is better, because "ZSH" is about 800 Bytes long and starts the ZShell-resident if possible. So loading "ZShell" is only necessary the first time you use ZShell after booting up. Anyway using "ZSH" is fully optional. Click here to start -> @{" ZShell " System "ZShell -d"} @{" Starting from CLI/Shell " Link CLIStart} @{" Starting from Workbench " Link WBStart} @{" Opening window on own screen " Link ScreenStart} @{" Starting using console handlers like KingCON " Link StartingCON} @{" Starting from Hotkey-/Directory-Utilities " Link UtilStart} @{" How to use CON: " Link Conuse} @{" Errormessages during starting " Link ErrorStart} @{" Several notes " Link Notes} @ENDNODE @NODE CliStart "Starting from CLI" If starting from CLI/Shell you can specify the name of a script file (see @{" EXECUTE " Link EXECUTE}) as an argument which will be executed after starting. Precede the name with "-s". If there is no name given, ZShell will try to execute S:ZStart . After "-w" you can specify a window-description. See @{" NEWCLI " link NewCLI} for more details, it is exactly the same. eg. ZSH -sram:hello {will try to execute ram:hello} ZShell {will try to execute S:ZStart} ZSH -sram:hello "-wCON:10/10/90/90/Hi there" {opens this window} All CLI-Options: -Sname (Script): Start script named "name" (default: S:ZStart) -Wdesc (Window): Open window with window-description "desc" -Ccmd (Command): Start command named "cmd" -D (Detach): Creates its own process (must be last option) -N (Noraw): Switches off the internal command-line-editing -Edepth/diplayID/overscan/title (scrEEn): Opens @{" Public Screen " Link ScreenStart}, OS2.0+ -Hfile (Help): Determine the file (with path) of the online help (default: S:ZShell.doc) -r (not Resident): Testing-stuff (must be first option and lowercase) @ENDNODE @NODE WBStart "Starting from Workbench" If starting from Workbench you can specify the window-description and the startup script (default S:ZStart , see above) with ToolTypes: eg. WINDOW=con:20/50/400/100/Moin SCRIPT=ram:hello WINDOW= {this would not open a window} Make sure that WINDOW and SCRIPT are in capital letters. (You can edit the ToolTypes by selecting an icon and then choosing "Information" from the Workbench-Menu.) All ToolTypes: SCRIPT=name : Start script named "name" (default S:ZStart) WINDOW=desc : Open window with window-description "desc" COMMAND=cmd : Start command named "cmd" NORAW= : Switches off the internal @{" command-line-editing " Link History} ICONNAME=name : Specify name of the icon for @{" iconifying " link Flags 20} (OS2.0+) XPOS=number : Give the position of the icon (OS2.0+) YPOS=number : Give the position of the icon (OS2.0+) ICONIFY= : Start in iconifyed mode (OS2.0+) SCREEN=depth/displayID/overscan/title : Opens a @{" Public Screen " Link ScreenStart} (OS2.0+) HELPMAN=file: Determine the file (with path) of the online help (default: S:ZShell.doc) These two are handled by Workbench 2.0+: DONOTWAIT : Use this if you put ZShell in the WBStartup-drawer (preferably together with the ICONIFY ToolType) TOOLPRI=pri : Sets the @{" priority " Link Taskpri} of the process @ENDNODE @NODE ScreenStart "Opening window on own screen" OS2.0+ You can open a Public Screen using the CLI-Option "-e" or the Tooltype "SCREEN". Optionally you can pass some arguments: depth: (default 2) Number of Bitplanes being used displayID: (default $8000) DisplayID looked up in sys:WBStartup/Mode_Names overscan: (default 1) Overscan type. 1=text, 2=standard, 3=maximum title: (default ZShell) Case sensitive name of Public Screen To get your window open there, you have to add ".../SCREEN ZShell" to your window-description. Examples for CLI-Start: ZShell "-wCON:////Shell/CLOSE/SCREEN ZShell" -e ZShell "-wCON:1/10/640/390/Shell/CLOSE/SCREEN ZShell" -e1/$8004 ZShell "-wCON:////Shell/CLOSE/SCREEN Super" -e3/$8000/2/Super Example for Workbench-Start: SCREEN=3/$8000/1/ZShell-Screen WINDOW=CON:1/10/640/190/CLOSE/SCREEN ZShell-Screen @ENDNODE @NODE UtilStart "Starting from Hotkey-Utilities or Directory-Utilities" In most cases you have to use a template like @{" starting from CLI " Link CLIStart} when configuring the utility. If the utility does not open a window, you have to use the "-w" option. If the utility seems to hang up after starting ZShell, try the "-d" option. With "-d" you do not need a "-w" option. Example: zshell -wCON:1/10/640/100/ZShell -d Some special programs: YAK: Use "zshell -d" as argument of a hotkey-definition. MachV: EXECMD"zshell -d" MTool: Define a program with "zshell" as program and "-d" as parameters. @ENDNODE @NODE StartingCON "Starting ZShell using KingCON" KingCON is a Console-Handler with some GUI-Features. If you do not use KingCON, you can skip this chapter. Starting from CLI/Shell: Use the option -n, and you can optionally use option -w. Examples: ZShell -n ZShell -wKCON: -n Starting from Workbench: Use the ToolTypes NORAW and WINDOW=KCON: The CLI-Option "-n" and the ToolType "NORAW" switch off the internal command-line-editor, so you could make use of the command-line- editing facilities of KingCON. @ENDNODE @NODE Conuse "How to use CON:" CON: stands for Console-Handler. This is a program which handles keypresses and textual outputs on its window similar to a file. You have to pass several things when opening a CON: window: CON:leftpos/upperpos/width/height/title leftpos,upperpos are the position of the left top edge in pixels. Both need to be 1 or more. width,height are the window's dimensions in pixels. title is a string With OS2.0+ you can pass some more things and you can drop some things. So "CON:" alone is valid and opens with the default settings. To get a close gadget you have to append "/CLOSE", eg. CON:1/1/600/100/Great/CLOSE "/SCREEN screenname" opens on a public screen "/WAIT" stays till you click the close gadget or press CTRL-\ "/ALT" gives an alternative size with the zoom gadget ... there are some more but I do not know much of them @ENDNODE @NODE ErrorStart "Errors during starting" If there is an error during starting, a recoverable alert will appear and show a number. Here is a list what these numbers mean: Workbench-Start: 1: No memory for CLI-Structure 2: CLI-Table 20 limit 3: No current directory 4: No icon.library 5: No icon OpenWindow: 10: Already opened 11: Cannot open output 12: Not interactive 13: Cannot open input Newcli: 15: Cannot copy CurrentDir 16: Cannot set up pipe process Input: 20: Input failed 21: Unexpected window closure (harmless) 22: Forbid or Disable state (bug in external command) @ENDNODE @NODE Notes "Several notes" * You can start ZShell from within the Startup-Sequence. After ending ZShell the Startup-Sequence will continue. If you use "ZShell -d" in the Startup-Sequence, it will continue and a ZShell will pop up. * If you would like a scrollbar, try CB (ConBuffer) from Aminet/util/shell/conbuffer11.lha . A bit old, but it works. * You can rename "ZSH" as what you like, but do not rename "ZShell" * If you start ZShell from the Workbench-Menu "Execute Command", you can close the window after ending ZShell with CTRL-\ or doubleclick the close-gadget. * ZShell and ZSH are PURE (see @{" RESIDENT " Link RESIDENT},@{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT}). @ENDNODE @NODE History "History and Command Line Editing" ZShell has a 1024 byte circular history buffer. It works similar to most other shells, the NEWCON: handler in Workbench V1.3 and the standard console handler in OS2.0+. You can change the edit keys with @{" CONFIG CTRLKEYS " Link CTRL}. These are the default keys: UP ARROW - go back one line in the history buffer DOWN ARROW - go forward one line in the history buffer SHIFT UP ARROW - go to the 1st line in the history buffer if nothing was typed. Otherwise the string left of the cursor will be searched in history buffer (like in OS2.0+) SHIFT DOWN ARROW- go to the last line in the history buffer, which holds the last modified line LEFT ARROW - move cursor left RIGHT ARROW - move cursor right SHIFT LEFT ARROW- move cursor to left end SHIFT RIGHT ARROW move cursor to right end CTRL R - move cursor to start of previous word CTRL T - move cursor to start of next word CTRL S - delete to start of line CTRL E - delete to end of line CTRL W - delete one word right of cursor CTRL Q - delete one word left of cursor CTRL X - delete whole line TAB - see @{" FILENAME COMPLETION " Link FILENAMECOMPLETION} (that is great !) SHIFT TAB - read @{" review-buffer " Link review} with @{" MORE " Link MORE} CTRL V - read history-buffer with @{" MORE " Link MORE} CTRL F - pop up a filerequester (needs asl.library) CTRL L - clear the ZShell window CTRL P - clear the Filename completion buffer. This is useful with CrossDOS, because it does not notice changes. RETURN - put commandline in history-buffer and execute it SHIFT RETURN - put commandline in history-buffer without executing ESC (Escape) - quit ZShell like @{" ENDCLI " Link ENDCLI} (I like this very much !) Words are delimited by space, point, slash and colon ( ./:). Again, command line editing is similar to most shells. Backspace, delete and return do what they are supposed to do. If you have defined (using @{" ALIAS " Link Alias}) some Function keys, you can use them, too. OS2.0+: You can drop Workbench-Icons into the ZShell's window. Then the name of the icon will be inserted into the commandline. When in @{" iconifyed " Link Flags 20} mode, you can drop an icon on that Application-Icon with the same effect. @ENDNODE @NODE Executing "Executing Commands" Most commands can be aborted by depressing Control-C. Nearly everything is case independent. To use a disk command simply type its name after the prompt, the same way as you would do in other shells. The first part of the input up to the first space is interpreted as commandname. It is searched for (in this order) : 1. in the @{" alias " Link alias} list 2. in the internal (builtin) command list (see @{" COMMAND OVERVIEW " Link Index}) 3. in the @{" resident " Link resident} command list 4. in the current directory (see @{" CD " Link CD}) 5. in the @{" command search path " Link path} and, if it is found, it is executed. The part after the first space is taken as arguments, also called parameters. The arguments are separated by spaces. ZShell will allow up to 25 arguments. If the commandname was found on disk, it will be analyzed: 1. If the commandname is a directory, the current directory will be changed (see @{" CD " Link CD}) to it. 2. If the script flag is set, it will be @{" executed " Link Execute} eighter as ZShell script or as ARexx script. 3. If the execute flag is set (and it is set in most cases), it will be tried to treat it as normal executable command. 4. If the command is not executable, it will be shown using @{" amigaguide.library " Link Guide.lib} (This is an easy way to view Guides). eg. addbuffers df0: 15 "addbuffers" is the command, that will be found as a internal command. "df0:" is the first argument. "15" is the second argument. The third argument does not exist. You can avoid using an @{" alias " Link alias} or an internal (builtin) command or changing the current directory by typing a point before the commandname (this is called "force disk"). To abbreviate internal or @{" resident " Link resident} commands put a point behind it. If you use just a point, the current directory will be set to the last current directory ("dir back"). To get to the parent directory, you have to use a slash ( / ). eg. .addbuffers df0: 20 {This uses the disk command or if available the resident addbuffers} ad. df0: 20 {uses the internal addbuffers command} .add. df0: 20 {if available this uses the resident addbuffers} . {go back to old current dir} BEWARE of other matching commands! The first matching will be taken! "as." can mean ASK or ASSIGN, but ASK will be taken ! There is no abbreviation for disk commands, use @{" Filename Completion " Link FileNameCompletion} ( TAB-Key ) instead. A textual error message will be displayed if an AmigaDOS error occurs. @ENDNODE @NODE Guide.lib "amigaguide.library" For those who do not know: amigaguide.library is Commodore's great hypertext system that can easily be used to view documentations or to implement online-help into own applications. It needs Kickstart 1.3 or better. You can get it from Fish Disk 920 or from Aminet as text/hyper/aguide34.lha amigaguide.library V34+ can show AmigaGuide documents and ASCII documents. V39+ that comes with OS3.0+, can show all kinds of files that are supported by your datatypes including AmigaGuide and ASCII texts. So, with OS3.0+, you can enter the name of a picture in ZShell just like a command to view it. @ENDNODE @NODE Numbers "Using Numbers" Various internal commands need numbers as arguments. Usually you simply give a decimal number, but you also can use these prefixes: + Positive number - Negative number % Binary number $ Hexadecimal number & Hexadecimal APTR converted to BPTR ! Hexadecimal BPTR converted to APTR ^ Filename containing number See @{" EVAL " link Eval} for more. @ENDNODE @NODE Wild_Card "Wild Cards" ZShell supports wild card file descriptions on some commands (@{" DIR " Link DIR},@{" LIST " Link LIST},@{" DELETE " Link DELETE},@{" COPY " Link COPY},@{" CONFIG " Link CTRL},@{" JOIN " Link JOIN},@{" MOVE " Link MOVE},@{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT}) OS2.0+ note: The default is to use AmigaDOS wildcard patternmatching. It is localized and has not the limitations of the internal matcher. But you have to be careful when looking at the examples in this documentation, because they are made for the internal matcher. (You can even use * instead of #? with the AmigaDOS matcher, because the wildstar flag is set by ZShell in the system for all programs. Please tell @{" me " link Authors 9} if this makes problems.) To switch back to the internal matcher use: @{" FLAGS WILD OFF " link Flags} AmigaDOS patternmatcher: ? Matches a single character. # Matches the following expression 0 or more times. (ab|cd) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'. ~ Negates the following expression. It matches all strings that do not match the expression (aka ~(foo) matches all strings that are not exactly "foo"). [abc] Character class: matches any of the characters in the class. [~bc] Character class: matches any of the characters not in the class. a-z Character range (only within character classes). % Matches 0 characters always (useful in "(foo|bar|%)"). * Synonym for "#?", not available by default in OS2.0, but is switched on by ZShell. "Expression" in the above table means either a single character (ex: "#?"), or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)"), or a character class (ex: "#[a-zA-Z]"). The following refers to the internal patternmatcher: Wild cards are like those supported on MessyDOS or UNICS systems, and not the same as the ones on AmigaDOS. So use * instead of #? . NOTE: You can only effectively put one * character in a wild card. Character Meaning * Match zero or more characters. ? Match one character. ~ Negates the following wildcard. [ ] Specifies a class of characters to match. (One of the characters in the brackets must match) | Separate multiple filenames (can be wildcards) (One of the file descriptions separated by | must match) To get that just try the examples following and try it out with @{" DIR " Link DIR}. eg. list *.info {lists all files ending in .info} dir z*.s {lists all files starting z, ending in .s} delete df0:*.info {deletes all .info files from df0:} copy *.s ram: {copies all .s files to ram:} copy 1? df0: {copies all two char files beginning with 1} dir ~*.s {lists all files NOT ending in .s} list ~*.info {lists all files except for .info files} dir *.[co] {lists files ending in .c or .o} list [abcd]* {lists files beginning with a,b,c or d} list c:mount|version {lists the files Mount and Version} {OS2.0+ this would be: list c:(mount|version) } list ram:env/a*|*b {lists all files starting with a or ending with b from RAM:env (environment)} copy ~*.info|*.bak {copies all files NOT ending in .info and NOT ending in .bak} @ENDNODE @NODE Option "Options" As nearly everything, options are also case independent. The internal commands support only four options, because this is easier to remember. These options start with a dash (-) followed by one character. 1. -C (means Clear) , used by @{" AVAIL " Link AVAIL},@{" ENDCLI " Link ENDCLI},@{" LOCATE " Link LOCATE},@{" PATH " Link PATH},@{" RESIDENT " Link RESIDENT} 2. -R (means Recursive) , used by @{" COPY " Link COPY},@{" DELETE " Link DELETE},@{" DIR " Link DIR},@{" LIST " Link LIST},@{" JOIN " Link JOIN}, @{" MOVE " Link MOVE},@{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT} 3. -Q (means Quick) , used by @{" DIR " Link DIR},@{" JOIN " Link JOIN},@{" LIST " Link LIST},@{" DELETE " Link DELETE} 4. -S (means Sort) , used by @{" COPY " Link COPY},@{" MOVE " Link MOVE},@{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT} Instead of -R you could also use ALL , if @{" FLAGS ALL ON " Link Flags 49} is set. For some special cases there are longer options used: "delete bla force" FORCE is here an option. You can abbreviate this by a point (see @{" CONFIG DOT " link CTRL}), so "delete bla f." is the same. To avoid a filename, that is equal to an option, to be treated as an option you have to surround it with quotes: copy "-r" ram: {to copy the file -r to ram:} delete "force" {to delete the file named force} @ENDNODE @NODE Redirect "Redirecting Input/Output" The standard redirection operators are supported for all internal commands, as well as disk based and resident programs. (Redirection only affects those programs which use the dos.library's Input() and Output() functions.) >filename redirect std output >filename append redirect output (tacks output onto the end of file) <>filename redirect input and output >M view output with @{" MORE " link MORE} after the command has ended, you need a @{" review-buffer " link REVIEW} for that which is big enough, otherwise some of the output will be swallowed. W <>W opens a window and inputs/outputs there. <* >* <>* redirection to current window (rarely used) If you do not give a filename, input/output will be redirected to NIL: Redirection can be placed before, between and after arguments and has the same effect for all three cases. Note that @{" pipes " link Pipes} are some kind of redirection. eg. dir >ram:directory df0:c type zshell.doc raw:0/0/640/100/output sortfile things >>df0:things.log list >m df0: {view output with more} copy > df0: ram: {redirects to NIL: , no output !} type S:Startup-sequence >W {outputs on own window} @ENDNODE @NODE Pipes "Anonymous Pipes" ZShell supports anonymous pipes with background tasks like those in UNICS and with temporary files like those in Amiga-csh. @{" General things about pipes " link GeneralPipes} What are pipes ? @{" Real pipes " link RealPipes} The real thing. @{" Pseudo pipes " link PseudoPipes} Are better in some cases. @{" Filters " link Filters} Something to use pipes with. @{" Notes " link PipeNotes} What else is interesting. @ENDNODE @NODE GeneralPipes "General things about Pipes" Have you ever tried to view the output of a command with an external text viewer ? Then you probably have tried something like: List >T:listing -r dh0: ; MuchMore T:listing ; delete T:listing (You do not need spaces before and after semicolons) Using anonymous pipes you simply have to type: List -r dh0: | MuchMore The "|" character is the pipe symbol. This is why they are called ANONYMOUS pipes: You do not have to specify a filename. You can leave out the space after "|", but you need to keep the one before the pipe symbol. In the above example MuchMore stands RIGHT to the pipe symbol. This means that it gets its input from the output of the command LEFT to the pipe symbol. You can simulate this by "MuchMore outfile You cannot put multiple commands between pipe symbols, like List |UUencode;MuchMore |MuchMore This will be interpreted as "List |UUencode" and "MuchMore |MuchMore". @ENDNODE @NODE RealPipes "Real Pipes" Real pipes are switched on by default. You can switch them on by using @{" FLAGS PIPE ON " Link Flags}. All commands right to pipe symbols are launched as background tasks. This allows asynchronous data processing. Real pipes need the PIPE: device to be mounted: Make sure you have pipe-handler (OS1.3) or queue-handler (OS2.0+) in L:, check DEVS:Mountlist or DEVS:DOSdrivers (OS2.1+) for an entry called PIPE: then type "mount pipe:". If you type in: List | MuchMore in the current shell the command "List >PIPE:ZShellXX" will be started (XX is a unique number) and a background shell will be launched similar to the newcli command, which will execute the command "MuchMore T:ZShellXXXX ; More ENV:$1 $2 alias getenv %1 type ENV:$1 alias unsetenv %1 delete ENV:$1 * From Workbench assigns are most likely done by clicking an icon: For example if you have the assigns below in the script failat 10 assign TEX: dh0:text/pastex assign MF: dh0:text/pastex/metafont putmsg you need to get a PROJECT ICON for that. Now define the default tool as ZSH (or ZShell) and a tooltype containing WINDOW= (case sensitive). That's all. Failat 10 breaks the script if an error occurs. Putmsg flashes the screen to indicate that everything was successful. No window will be opened. * CTRL-R and CTRL-T are for moving the cursor one word backwards/forward. Probably you would rather like to use Alt-Cursor-Left and Alt-Cursor-Right instead. This is not possible to do in ZShell, but you can modify your Keymap according to it, because usually Alt-Cursor is unused. Get yourself a keymap editor and set it to CTRL-R and to CTRL-T (same as hexadecimal 12 and 14). * A script counting down from 10 to 0 (a bit complicated and slow) : failat 11 ; setenv helpenv 11 lab backtohere copy > ENV:helpenv ENV:counter eval >ENV:helpenv ^ENV:counter 1 - echo "Current number: " ; eval ^ENV:helpenv if not error skip backtohere endif @ENDNODE @NODE BUILTIN1 "Builtin Commands for Disk Management" Following there are descriptions of the standard DOS commands which are builtin in ZShell (and therefore need not be loaded from disk). Square brackets [] mean that the argument enclosed in is optional. A vertical bar | separates multiple possibilities, choose only one. @{" AddBuffers " Link AddBuffers} drive [number_of_buffers] @{" Assign " Link Assign} [logical name:] [directory] [ADD|DEFER|PATH|REMOVE] @{" Cd " Link Cd} [destination] @{" Copy " Link Copy} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] @{" Delete " Link Delete} [-R] [-Q] source1 [source2] [source3] ... [FORCE] @{" Delete Device " Link Delete2} devicename [name [filesystem]] @{" Dir " Link Dir} [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ... @{" FileNote " Link FileNote} file|directory comment @{" HType " Link HType} source [offset] @{" Info " Link Info} @{" Join " Link Join} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... destination @{" List " Link List} [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ... @{" Lock " Link Lock} device ON|OFF @{" MakeDir " Link MakeDir} directory1 [directory2] ... @{" MakeIcon " Link MakeIcon} filename [icontype] @{" MakeLink " Link MakeLink} linkname filename [SOFT] @{" More " Link More} source [line_count] @{" Move " Link Move} [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] @{" Protect " Link Protect} [-R] [-S] [file/dir1] [file/dir2] ... [+|-|=|h|s|p|a|r|w|e|d] @{" Relabel " Link Relabel} drive newname @{" Rename " Link Rename} source destination @{" Resident " Link Resident} [command1] [command2] ... @{" Search " Link Search} file search_string @{" SetDate " Link SetDate} file|directory [date/time] @{" Split " Link Split} [-Q] source dest length [offset] @{" Type " Link Type} source @ENDNODE @NODE AddBuffers "AddBuffers" ADDBUFFERS drive number_of_buffers * ADDBUFFERS increases disk access speed on the specified drive by adding a number of sector cache buffers. Each additional buffer reduces memory by about 560 bytes. Generally, 25-30 buffers per floppy drive is optimal. eg. addbuffers df0: 25 addbuffers df1: 30 @ENDNODE @NODE Assign "Assign" ASSIGN [logical name:] [directory] [ADD|REMOVE|DEFER|PATH] * ASSIGN will assign a logical device name to a disk directory. eg. assign z: df1:zshell_source Now if you do a DIR Z: you will get a directory of df1:zshell_source. Similarly, the default device names can be reassigned. eg. assign libs: df1:libs * Typing ASSIGN with no parameters, will list the current device assignments. eg. assign * Only for OS2.0+: "ASSIGN name: REMOVE" or "ASSIGN name: dir REMOVE" removes that assign "ASSIGN name: dir ADD" assigns multiple dirs to name: "ASSIGN name: pathname DEFER" will become a normal assign when accessed the first time. So you can assign to a path that does not exist yet. "ASSIGN name: pathname PATH" assigns to a path. Similar to DEFER, but will not converted into a normal assign. If you have "assign bla: df0: path" and do "list bla:", you will get the directory of the disk inserted NOW (!) in df0:. @ENDNODE @NODE Cd "Cd" CD [destination] * Changes the current directory to "destination". If no parameter is given, the current directory's name is shown. It is easier to change the directory by simply typing its name (without CD). eg. cd ram: ram:t {same as "cd ram:t"} @ENDNODE @NODE Copy "Copy" COPY [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] * COPY copies all source files or files in the source directories to the destination directory. If the destination directory does not exist, it will be created. If no destination is given (in this case you can specify only one source file/dir ofcourse), the current directory will be taken. * You can use @{" wild cards " link Wild_card} to specify files. * The filedate, filecomment and protection-bits are copied with it. * With @{" Option -R " link Option} given, subdirectories and the files and directories in there are also copied (recursive copying). If you have the @{" ALL FLAG " link Flags} set, you can use ALL as last argument instead of -R. * With @{" Option -S " link Option} given, it sorts. But who needs that ? Note 1: Copying will be done in 50KBytes blocks. This should be a good value. You can change it with @{" CONFIG COPYSIZE " link ctrl}. Note 2: You can use @{" option " link option} ALL instead of -R . eg. copy c:dir df1:c copy dir list type cd df1:c copy -r df0:devs df1:devs copy -r source:*.s ram: copy df0: df1: {only copy the files in df0: to df1:} * You can also copy a file to a file. This is like copying to a dir and then renaming. Date, comment and bits are not copyied with it. eg copy df0:fred ram:wilma With that you can print a file etc. eg. copy file PRT: copy CON: barney @ENDNODE @NODE Delete "Delete" DELETE [-R] [-Q] source1 [source2] [source3] ... [FORCE] * Deletes one or more files or directories ("source1","source2",...). * "source" can be a @{" wild card " link Wild_card} file description. * If you specify the -r @{" option " Link option} when deleting a directory, then all subdirectories are recursively deleted also. Otherwise (if the -r option is not given) only the files in the specified directory are deleted. * To be safe, delete requests you to really delete a file. You can answer with "Y" (yes) or RETURN if you want this file to be deleted "N" (no) if you do not want this file to be deleted "A" (all) if you do not want to be asked anymore "Q" (quit) if you want to abort deleting. To avoid asking, use option -q , but be careful ! * Ever got the problem with thousands of delete-protected files ? Solution is simple: Use FORCE as last option. NOTE 1: "delete RAM:BLA" (BLA is a directory) tries to delete the directory "BLA", not the files in there ! Use "delete RAM:BLA/*" (deletes only the files in there) or "delete -r RAM:BLA" (deletes all files and directories inside, then tries to delete BLA itself) for that ! NOTE 2: You can use @{" option " link option} ALL instead of -R . WARNING 1: You can hardly get back what you have deleted ! So be careful, especially when using the -r option ! (Try DISKSALV for getting lost files back, DO NOT USE DISCDOCTOR!) WARNING 2: To delete (hard- or soft-)links you have to use @{" wild cards " link wild_card} ! So instead of "delete c:linkname" use with OS1.3- "delete c:linkname|" and with OS2.0+ "delete c:(linkname)". eg. delete fred wilma barney betty dino delete df0:devs df1:c df1:data ram: delete menu/* force delete -r devs: delete -r df1: {better use "delete device df1:"} @ENDNODE @NODE Delete2 "Delete Device" DELETE DEVICE devicename [name [filesystem]] OS2.0+ only ! * Has the same effect as "FORMAT DRIVE device NAME name QUICK NOICONS". devicename is something like DF0: etc., but better not DH0: ! The name and the filesystem of the disk will be kept the same, except you specify new ones. See @{" INFO " link Info} on how filesystems look like. eg.: You have an Oldfilesystem- (OFS) disk and want to get a Fastfilesystem- (FFS) disk out of it. No need to format the whole disk ! Use delete device df0: empty ffs @ENDNODE @NODE Dir "Dir" DIR [-Q] [-R] [source1] [source2] ... * Lists the directory of the "source" to the screen. Hitting space will pause the listing and backspace will continue it. Files are shown with their size in bytes. DIR lists the current directory if no parameter is given. If "source" is a filename, then only that file is listed. If the @{" option " Link option} "-q" is not given, the filenames will be sorted alphabetically. With the @{" option " Link option} "-R" given it will @{" list " Link List} recursive. * All files/dirs with the H-bit (see @{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT}) set, will not be shown. All files that are ignored by @{" FILENAMECOMPLETION " Link FILENAMECOMPLETION} are also hidden. * If it is a link, it shows H (for hardlinks) or S (for softlinks) after the filesize. See @{" MAKELINK " link MakeLink}. eg. dir df0: dir -q devs:printers/hp* @ENDNODE @NODE FileNote "FileNote" FILENOTE file|directory comment * FILENOTE creates or changes a comment of the file or directory. This comment can be up to 116 characters long and can be displayed using the @{" LIST " Link LIST} command. It is useful if the filename does not say what for this file is. Add a comment to this file and you will forever know what this file does. eg. filenote devs:mountlist "This is used by the mount command" @ENDNODE @NODE HType "HType" HTYPE source [offset] * HTYPE outputs a hex listing of the file specified. Output is the same as the M command. SPACE pauses the listing, BACKSPACE gets it going again, and CTRL-C will abort the listing. * "HTYPE source offset" starts to display the file after "offset" bytes. eg. htype c:list @ENDNODE @NODE Info "Info" * Lists lots of information about all available volumes (like disks). These columns mean: NAME: Name of the device containing the volume UNIT: Unitnumber, not very interesting SYS: Filesystem, can be one of: OFS : Oldfilesystem (old fashioned and slow) FFS : Fastfilesystem (needs OS2.0+) INO/INF : International OFS/FFS DCO/DCF : Directory Cache OFS/FFS (needs OS3.0+) MSD : CrossDOS Filesystem (MessyDOS) ??? : Unknown SIZE: Maximum useable size of the Volume in KBytes (1024 Bytes) FREE: Free/useable size in KBytes FULL: Ratio between used size and maximum size BLOCK: Size of a single block in Bytes STATUS: Says if it is possible to write to that volume ERR: Number of soft errors, I only saw 0 yet VOLUME: Name of the volume (name of the disk). * Note: It would not make sense to show the free size in Bytes, because space can only be allocated in whole blocks and one block is at least 488 Bytes large. eg. info @ENDNODE @NODE Join "Join" JOIN [-R] [-S] [sourcefile1] [sourcefile2] ... destfile * JOIN concatenates one or more files to form a new file (destfile). * @{" wild cards " link Wild_card} are supported. * See @{" COPY " link Copy} for more. eg. join fred.doc roy.doc dog.doc mydocs.doc @ENDNODE @NODE List "List" LIST [-R] [-Q] [source1] [source2] ... * Lists the directory of the "source" to the screen. Hitting space will pause the listing and backspace will continue it. * LIST acts similar to @{" DIR " Link DIR}, but outputs more information: - Hidden files will be shown - Shows the date and time of the last change. See @{" DATE " link Date}. - Shows the protection-bits. See @{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT}. - If available, the comment will be shown. See @{" FILENOTE " Link FILENOTE}. - If it is a link, it shows where it is linked to. See @{" MAKELINK " link MakeLink}. (Note:softlinks are resolved by ReadLink(), hardlinks by simply Lock()) * LIST supports recursive listing. That means the contents of all subdirectories are shown. To use it, specify the @{" -r option " Link option}. * With the @{" -q option " Link option} given, it does not sort nor print comments and links. eg. list list sys:system list -q df0: list -r -q *.info {show all INFO-files in the current and in the sub-directories} list -r ram:~*.info {show all except *.info files in RAM:} @ENDNODE @NODE Lock "Lock" LOCK device ON|OFF * "LOCK device ON" locks the write-access to a device eg. lock df0: on will make it impossible to write to or change something on the disk inserted in DF0: * "LOCK device OFF" makes write-access to a device possible again. eg. lock dh0: on lock dh0: off @ENDNODE @NODE MakeDir "MakeDir" MAKEDIR [directory1] [directory2] ... * Creates one or more directories of the names specified. eg. makedir temp makedir c l s libs devs fonts makedir devs/printers ram:c @ENDNODE @NODE MakeIcon "MakeIcon" MAKEICON filename [icontype] OS2.0+ only ! * Makeicon creates a default icon for the file "filename". "icontype" can be one of: DISK, DRAWER, TOOL, PROJECT, GARBAGE, DEVICE, KICK or APPICON "filename" is without appending .info. Note that DEVICE and APPICON will not be available on most systems. * OS3.0+ only: Makeicon without icontype pops up the information-window of Workbench. eg. makeicon barney tool makeicon sys:libs drawer {"makeicon libs: drawer" will not work} makeicon sys:system/format @ENDNODE @NODE MakeLink "MakeLink" MAKELINK linkname filename [SOFT] OS2.0+ only ! * Makelink creates a Hardlink or Softlink to the file or directory "filename". "linkname" must be a filename, that does not exist yet. You can use links like the file/directory itself, but they need nearly no additional diskspace. In most cases you would use Hardlinks. * If you delete a file a Hardlink is linked to, the Hardlink will become the file itself. Hardlinks cannnot work accross devices, use Softlinks for that. (Hardlinks are resolved by the filesystem.) * Softlinks are links to a path, that is checked every time when accessed, so a link to DF0: depends on the disk inserted in DF0: . (Softlinks are resolved by AmigaDOS) I wonder why Softlinks are not supported by the commands in the C: directory even of Workbench 3.0 ? A bit old fashioned ! !WARNING: To delete (hard- or soft-)links you have to use @{" wild cards " link wild_card} ! ! So instead of "delete c:linkname" use with OS1.3- "delete c:linkname|" ! and with OS2.0+ "delete c:(linkname)". eg. makelink muchmore ppmore makelink sys:commands c: makelink readme df0:readme soft {so with "more readme" you will see the readme-file on the disk currently inserted into DF0: } @ENDNODE @NODE More "More" MORE source [line_count] * MORE acts as a simple (ANSI) text file viewer. By default, it will show some lines of a text file, then wait for some user input. eg. more readme *After pressing "H" you get some Help information. *To move around in the text, you can use the CURSOR-KEYS: UP : Go one line up DOWN : Go one line down LEFT : Go one page up RIGHT : Go one page down SHIFT-UP : Go to the top of the text SHIFT-DOWN: Go to the bottom of the text You can also use the keys 1,2,3,7,8 and 9 of your numeric keypad. SPACE does the same as SHIFT-DOWN, BACKSPACE the same as SHIFT-UP. *The key "S" will prompt you what to Search for. If you just press RETURN, then the last item will be searched for. Searching begins at the second top line shown. If the item is found, the line, it is in, is displayed as the first line. *The key "N" searches for Next occurence of the search string *The key "W" Writes the text to a file. If you enter PRT: as filename, the text is send to the printer. Press just RETURN to cancel. *Press "J" to Jump to a position you can give in %. *Press "R" after you have Resized the window (or to Redraw the window for another reason). *Press "Q" or "ESC" to quit MORE. *Typing any other key will be ignored. All keys except the numeric keypad, SPACE, BACKSPACE and ESC can be redefined using @{" CONFIG MOREKEYS " link ctrl}. * Specifying the optional line count will allow you to show more or less than the default number of lines, that will fit exactly on the window. Useful when using @{" FLAGS CUT OFF " Link Flags}. eg. more contents 12 more super.doc 25 @ENDNODE @NODE Move "Move" MOVE [-R] [-S] source1 [source2] ... [destination] * This is very similar to the @{" copy-command " link copy}, but all files/directories copyied will be deleted afterwards. If an error happens, the source will not be deleted. If it was OK, you will see "... copyied" * If source and destination are on the same device it uses @{" rename " link rename} instead. This is quicker and needs less disk accesses. Then you will see "...moved". * Note the difference between "move dir" and "move dir/*". eg. move ram:a ram:b move -r df0:* df1: move c:mount devs: @ENDNODE @NODE Protect "Protect" PROTECT [-R] [-S] filename1 [filename2] ... [+|-|=|h|s|p|a|r|w|e|d] [+|... * Allows you to alter/see the protection bits associated with a file or a directory. To see it, you can also use @{" LIST " link List}. You can use @{" wild cards " link Wild_card} to process multiple files. * See @{" COPY " link Copy} how to use -r and -s. * PROTECT filename +bits_to_set -bits_to_clear Sets all bits_to_set and resets all bits_to_clear. You can give one + or one - or both or both not. * PROTECT filename =bits_to_be Sets all bits_to_be and resets all other bits eg. protect game +hp -rwd protect monitor =srwe protect -r df0:* -d Bits: "h" hidden V1.3 "s" script V1.3 "p" pure V1.3 "a" archive V1.3 -> is reset when file is changed "r" readable "w" writable "e" executable -> will be checked before executing "d" deletable @ENDNODE @NODE Relabel "Relabel" RELABEL drive newname * RELABEL renames the disk specified with the newname given. eg. relabel Empty: MY_DISK relabel df0: FISHMONGER @ENDNODE @NODE Rename "Rename" RENAME source destination * Renames the file or directory of name "source" to that of "destination". You can use this to move files on a disk. eg. rename df0:c/list df0:ls {moves and renames} rename ed Editor {just renames} @ENDNODE @NODE Resident "Resident" RESIDENT [command1] [command2] ... * RESIDENT allows you load commands into memory, such that they will execute immediately, rather than be loaded from disk all the time. The benefit of RESIDENT over saving commands on the RAM: disk is that only one copy of the command is in memory all the time. RAM: based commands will use up twice as much memory when the command is being executed. * The limitation of RESIDENT is that only certain commands will work. Generally, all commands which have their PURE bit (see @{" PROTECT " Link PROTECT}) set can be made RESIDENTABLE. However, RESIDENT does not check whether the PURE bit is set before loading, and hence you can try out commands to see if they work. They'll always work the first time. Its only when executing the 2nd time that the Amiga will likely crash. Note: Crunched programs will most likely not work. * Typing RESIDENT with no parameters will show the current list of resident commands: ADRESS is useful for programmers USECOUNT says how many times it is used right now ROM internal residents have negative values NAME means the name (hard to guess :) * Typing one or more command names after RESIDENT will make those commands resident. ZShell will search the command search @{" path " Link path} to try and find them. eg. resident c/list c/cd c/date c/avail resident ed @ENDNODE @NODE Search "Search" SEARCH file search_string * SEARCH searches for the search_string in the file. The file can be a binary (eg. executable) or a text. Each occurance will be printed on the window with highlighted search_string. If the file is a text, the whole line will be printed. If it is a binary file, it will be printed from the occurance to the next NULL or LF. * Searching is case independent (of course!). * To search for a string at the beginning of a line (textfile only) put a point (.) before the search_string. eg. search zshell.doc "binary (eg." search s:startup-sequence .assign {show all assigns, but not "resident assign"} search c:mount $ver: {show version number and date, should work with all newer executables} @ENDNODE @NODE SetDate "SetDate" SETDATE file|directory [date/time] * SETDATE changes the date-of-last-change (DOLC) of a file or directory. The DOLC can be shown by simply listing this file with @{" LIST " Link LIST}. * SETDATE with no date/time given sets the DOLC to the systemtime (see @{" DATE " Link DATE},@{" SETCLOCK " Link SETCLOCK}). * If you want to set the DOLC to a special date you have to specify the date or time or both in a format described at @{" DATE " Link DATE}. eg. setdate ram:newthings setdate devs:mountlist 21.8.71 {very old} setdate murks 18:24:12 12-24-96 {future} @ENDNODE @NODE Split "Split" SPLIT [-Q] source dest length [offset] * SPLIT is the opposite of @{" JOIN " link Join}. It splits up a (large) source file into several smaller pieces which get their name from "dest" and an automatically appended two digit number. The asking between the single files allow to change floppy disks and makes it possible to split a large file directly on multiple floppy disks. See @{" delete " link delete} for more about that. (The source file does not need to fit into memory.) eg. split aminet.index df0:index 750000 {assuming that aminet.index is 2MB big, this creates df0:index01 df0:index02 and df0:index03 } other egs. split -q bigfile small 10000 {does not ask} split bigfile small 10000 5000 {skip the first 5000 bytes} @ENDNODE @NODE Type "Type" TYPE source * Prints to the screen the ASCII/ANSI text file specified as "source". Hitting any key will pause the listing. Backspace will restart it. CTRL-C will abort the listing. * Use @{" MORE " Link MORE} instead of TYPE, if possible. eg. type readme @ENDNODE @NODE BUILTIN2 "Builtin Commands for Scripts and Controlling" Following there are descriptions of the other commands which are builtin in ZShell (and therefore need not be loaded from disk). Square brackets [] mean that the argument enclosed in is optional. A vertical bar | separates multiple possibilities, choose only one. @{" Alias " Link Alias} [variable] [definition] @{" Ask " Link Ask} [question] @{" Avail " Link Avail} [-C] @{" Border " Link Border} ON|OFF [number] @{" Cls " Link Cls} @{" Date " Link Date} [hh:mm:ss|dd.mm.yy|mm-dd-yy] @{" Echo " Link Echo} [string] @{" Else " Link Else} @{" EndCLI " Link EndCLI} [-C] @{" EndIf " Link EndIf} @{" Eval " Link Eval} expression @{" Execute " Link Execute} [ZSHELL] source @{" FailAt " Link FailAt} [failat_level] @{" Fault " Link Fault} [error_number] @{" Help " Link Help1} [topic] @{" If " Link If} [NOT][WARN][ERROR][FAIL][EXISTS file] @{" Lab " Link Lab} label @{" MemClk " Link MemClk} ON|OFF|ALARM @{" NewCLI " Link NewCLI} [-Wnew_window] [-Sstart_script] [-Ccommand] [-N] [-Hhelpfile] [-E] @{" Path " Link Path} [-C] [path1] [path2] [path3] ... @{" Prompt " Link Prompt} [string] @{" Quit " Link Quit} [error_code] @{" Review " Link Review} [bytesize|-C|-Sfilename] @{" Run " Link Run} commandline @{" SetClock " Link SetClock} LOAD|SAVE @{" Skip " Link Skip} label @{" Stack " Link Stack} [size] @{" UnAlias " Link UnAlias} [alias1] [alias2] [alias3] ... @{" Wait " Link Wait} timeout @{" Comments " Link Comments} @ENDNODE @NODE Alias "Alias" ALIAS [variable] [definition] * ALIAS assigns a variable name to a definition. The variable name can be up to 15 characters long, and the definition can be up to about 360 characters long. * Typing ALIAS with no parameters at all, will generate a list of all current alias definitions. eg. alias * Aliasing of Function Keys eg. alias f1 ed df0:s/startup-sequence^M This example assigns the unshifted F1 key to "ed df0:s/startup-sequence" with following return. Note that the ^M characters puts an auto carriage return in the definition. eg. alias F10 cd df0:^M This sets shifted F10 to "cd df0:". You can use quotes to make it look better: alias f2 "cd df1:^M" alias f4 "genim2 " alias F9 "scribble df0:text/" If you want to use a semicolon in the alias, you need to use quotes: alias f1 "a68k z.a;blink z.o to z^M" or leave away the quotes and use a backslash before the semicolon: alias f1 a68k z.a\;blink z.o to z^M * Aliasing of commands eg. alias mv rename This allows an alternate name for rename. i.e. mv. So you could type mv oldname newname {to rename oldname to newname} eg. alias as a68k alias pp powerpacker alias go "a68k zsh.s;blink zsh.o to zsh" alias cped copy df0:c/ed You would use this last alias, if you need to copy a particular file a lot. So, to copy c/ed to ram: use: cped ram: * You can also pass external parameters to an alias. eg. alias al "%1 a68k $1.s;blink $1.o to $1" Typing al test will assemble test.s using a68k, then blink test.o to become test. You can specify upto eight parameters to pass to a command alias. At the start of the alias definition, specify the parameters to pass with the variables %0 thru %7. These need not be in sequence. The first %n will be assigned to the first parameter, the 2nd %n to the 2nd parameter etc. Insert the corresponding variables $0 thru $7 at the points in the alias definition where that parameter is to appear. eg. alias disp %1 %2 %3 echo "$3 $2 $1" {is the same as: } alias disp "%1 %2 %3 echo "$3 $2 $1"" {note the quotes} alias cram %0 %1 %2 %3 copy $0 $1 $2 $3 ram: alias go %5 %1 %6 %2 echo "1st-$5 2nd-$1 3rd-$6 4th-$2" * Command aliases can be nested to nearly unlimited levels. eg. alias clear echo ^L\;alias cdir "%1 clear;cd $1;dir" * An important point about aliases, is that you can redefine the existing internal command names. eg. alias help "type help_screen" This would make it so that pressing HELP or typing H E L P would not generate the standard help command list, but would type the file called help_screen to the screen. Similarly eg. alias copy c:copy {replace copy by disk-based copy} alias info c:dfree alias list .list {replace list by disk-based list} * See UNALIAS for how to remove alias definitions. @ENDNODE @NODE Ask "Ask" ASK [question] * ASK prompts the user with a question requiring a Yes or No answer. If the first letter of the users response is "Y", ASK returns code WARN. Responding "E" returns ERROR, "F" returns FAIL. Any other letter will result in return code OK. The question can include ASCII characters as well as control codes as per the @{" ECHO " Link ECHO} command. eg. ask "Do you want commands copied to ram? " if warn copy c: ram: endif Note: You can @{" redirect " Link redirect} the ANSWER to a file by redirecting the OUTPUT. eg. ask >ENV:CallIt {The answer is written to CallIt} @ENDNODE @NODE Avail "Avail" AVAIL [-C] * AVAIL shows the available memory as: 1.Total chip memory free, 2.Total fast memory free, 3.Total memory free. * With @{" option " Link option} "-c" given, it tries to free unused memory (remove unused libraries, devices and the help manual) eg. avail avail -c @ENDNODE @NODE Border "Border" BORDER ON|OFF [number] * Switches the border of the window on or off. If the border is off there will fit some more characters in a line; this can be useful when viewing texts with @{" MORE " Link MORE}. * If you run OS1.3-, you should do a @{" CLS " Link CLS} or "echo ^L" after using BORDER OFF. * If you specify a number after ON or OFF, the window is resized as large as possible. The number means the wanted distance of the window top to the screen top in pixels. By specifying a negative value the window will just not hide the screens menu bar. eg. border off border on 0 {fills full screen} border off -1 {does not hide the menu bar} border on 10;cls {with OS1.3-} @ENDNODE @NODE Cls "Cls" * CLS clears the window. It also resets the consolehandler, so if you see lots of funny characters on the window, try CLS. * You can do the same by using "echo ^[c". * CTRL L only clears the window (same as "echo ^L"). eg. cls @ENDNODE @NODE Date "Date" DATE [hh:mm:ss|dd.mm.yy|mm-dd-yy] * DATE without arguments shows the actual date and time (systemtime). * You can specify one or two arguments to set date or time or both. The time format must be in HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND . Do not forget the colon (:) between. Give only one or two digit numbers. There exists two formats for setting the date. First is DAY.MONTH.YEAR . Second is MONTH-DAY-YEAR . Use only one or two digit numbers. eg. date date 14:15:00 {quarter past two PM} date 12.5.94 {12th of May in 1994} date 3-30-88 8:12:45 {30th of March in 1988 in the morning} @ENDNODE @NODE Echo "Echo" ECHO [string] * Prints the "string" to the screen. If you want spaces in the string, make sure the whole string is enclosed in quotes. If you want to print special control characters (eg. ctrl-L clear screen) then prefix the control letter with a ^ character. If you want to print double quotes, then use the \ character before the qoutes. If you want to print some special characters like the CSI ($9B), you can put a (hexa-)decimal number after the ^ character; you can separate it from the next character by a point (.) . Do not forget the ^J at the end of a line. eg. echo hello^J echo "Hello world !" echo Hello world ! echo "^Lthe screen was just cleared^J" echo "^Lline 1^Jline 2^Jline 3^J" echo "these are double quotes ->\"^J" echo ^*33mColor^*32mful^J echo ^*4mUnderlined^*0mNormal^J * Some common control codes are: ^7 ^G bell (makes a DisplayBeep) ^10 ^J linefeed. ^12 ^L clear screen. ^13 ^M carriage return. ^24 ^X clear line. ^27 ^[ escape. ^$9b ^* CSI (command sequence introducer). @ENDNODE @NODE Else "Else" * ELSE marks the middle of an @{" IF " Link IF} statement. All statements following it, and before the @{" ENDIF " Link ENDIF} statement will be executed only if the IF condition is FALSE. See @{" IF " Link IF} for usage. @ENDNODE @NODE EndCLI "EndCLI" ENDCLI [-C] * Exits you from ZShell back to the AmigaDOS CLI prompt or Workbench. * If the @{" option " Link option} "-c" was specified, it will clear ZShell as a @{" resident " Link resident}: only in low memory situations needed. * Instead of using ENDCLI you can simply press the ESC key or click on the close gadget, if available. eg. endcli endcli -c @ENDNODE @NODE EndIf "EndIf" ENDIF * ENDIF marks the end of an IF statement. See @{" IF " Link IF} for usage. @ENDNODE @NODE Eval "Eval" EVAL expression OVERVIEW ======== Operators: + Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide & Logical and ! Logical or = Poke into memory ? Peek out of memory Prefixes: + Positive number - Negative number % Binary number $ Hexadecimal number & Hexadecimal APTR converted to BPTR ! Hexadecimal BPTR converted to APTR ^ Filename containing number * EVAL evaluates the "expression" as a reverse polish expression, and displays the answer in decimal and hex notation. Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) is used in Forth and in Hewlett Packard calculators (I have a HP48GX which has really a great functionality, but unfortunately is a one-way product: If something is defective, you have to throw it away in most cases). It is based on how arithmetic is actually done at the lowest possible level. RPN allows calculating complex expressions without using brackets. eg. eval 4 5 + This gives the answer 9. When a number is found, it is "pushed" onto the arithmetic stack. The + always adds the last two numbers on the stack. eg. eval 7 2 3 + - This gives the answer 2. It is the same as (7 - (2 + 3)). See, 7 is first pushed onto the stack, followed by 2, then 3. The + adds together the 2 and 3 and leaves the result 5 on the stack. Which means that the number 7 followed by 5 are left on the stack. The - subtracts the last entry (5) on the stack from the one before it (7), leaving the result 2. eg. 12 * (3 + 9) > eval 12 3 9 + * (15 - 4) * (6 + 18) > eval 15 4 - 6 18 + * (6 * ((87 + 13) / (2 * 25))) > eval 6 87 13 + 2 25 * / * * EVAL only performs 32 bit integer arithmetic. Negative numbers are prefixed with - .(hexadecimal they are shown as a 31 bit integer with bit 32 set, as usual) Prefixing positive numbers with + is optional. eg. eval +5 -3 + {results in 2 hex:$00000002} eval -5 3 + {results in -2 hex:$fffffffe} * EVAL supports decimal, hexadecimal and binary numbers. If you prefix the number with $, the number is hex If you prefix the number with %, it is binary. Programmers: For BPTR-APTR conversion you can use & to specify a hexadecimal APTR when asked for a BPTR and vice versa with !. eg. eval $c00000 $a0 16 * + * EVAL can also be used to perform base conversions (to dec or hex) eg. eval $ca eval %10110001 eval 45 eval &5a8 * The & allows logical AND'ing. And ! allows logical OR'ing. The ? is similar to PEEK in BASIC. Conversely, = is similar to POKE in BASIC eg. eval $80 $21 $08 ! ! $aa & eval $67 %11001011 & eval $c00000 ? This prints out the long word in memory locations $c00000 - $c00003. eval $aa55aa55aa $40000 = This pokes the long word $aa55aa55aa into locations $40000 thru $40003 and prints out what was in before. * For environment handling you can specify the value of an environment variable with ^ followed by the name. To store the result in a variable, @{" redirect " Link redirect} the output. eg. eval >ENV:aa ^ENV:bb 1 + This adds 1 to the value in ENV:bb and stores the result in ENV:aa * If the result was 0 an error (fail-level 10) will be returned. If it was negative, a warn (5) returns. (Not when redirecting output) @ENDNODE @NODE Execute "Execute" EXECUTE [ZSHELL] source * "EXECUTE source" executes the AmigaDOS script file of name "source" using an AmigaDOS shell, so no compatibility problems should occur. However in AmigaDOS scripts you cannot use ZShell-internal commands. * To execute a ZShell script you have to set the @{" S-protection flag " Link Protect} and then you can execute it treating like a normal @{" command " Link Executing} or you have to use "EXECUTE ZSHELL scriptname". All ZShell commands, as well as commands from disk are valid within a ZShell script file. * You can break scripts by pressing CTRL-D. eg. execute install_hard_disk execute zshell s:zstart @ENDNODE @NODE FailAt "FailAt" FAILAT [failat_level] * FAILAT sets the error code level at which scripts (and multiple commands on one line) will be aborted. The default level is 10. Most commands return 10 as an error, (20 for serious errors) while compilers returning Warning type errors will return 5. Hence, the default of 10 will allow Warnings to occur without the script (or line) being aborted. If a command returned an error code higher than the failat level, it will be printed out on the window. eg. failat 20 {sets failat level to 20} * If you do not specify a failat level, the current setting is shown. eg. failat @ENDNODE @NODE Fault "Fault" FAULT [error_number] * FAULT displays a textual error message of the given DOS-error-number eg. fault 103 (says something like "no free store", go and buy some extra memory :-) @ENDNODE @NODE Help1 "Help" HELP [topic] * HELP shows the lines of this manual corresponding to the topic. To see all topics available, type "HELP CONTENTS" . Make sure that the manual "ZShell.doc" is in the current directory or in S: ! For some help about a command you can also type "commandname ?" . Type only "?" to read the manual with @{" MORE " Link MORE}. Note: Instead of typing the topic you can type just some starting characters. Note: The manual is only loaded once and will stay in memory till you use @{" AVAIL -C " Link Avail} or @{" ENDCLI -C " Link EndCLI} eg. help contents {"help cont" will do the same} help copy makedir ? ? * HELP without a topic lists the names of all available ZShell commands to the screen. This does not need the manual. HELP can also be invoked by hitting the HELP key. eg. help @ENDNODE @NODE If "If" IF [NOT][WARN][ERROR][FAIL][EXISTS file] * The IF command allows conditional execution of statements following it. * If the condition specified is true, then execution continues after the IF statement until either an @{" ENDIF " Link ENDIF} or @{" ELSE " Link ELSE} statement is encountered. If it is an ELSE statement, then all statements between the ELSE and the closing ENDIF are skipped. * If the condition is false, then all statements after the IF and before either an @{" ENDIF " Link ENDIF} or @{" ELSE " Link ELSE} statement are skipped. If an ELSE is encountered, then execution continues for all statements after the ELSE and before the closing ENDIF. * IF can examine the state of the return code from the last command execute with WARN, ERROR, and FAIL tests. You can test for the non existence of such a state by including the optional NOT parameter. eg. IF WARN echo "last command returned warnings" ELSE echo "last command did not return warnings" ENDIF IF NOT FAIL echo "last command did not fail" ENDIF * IF can also test for the existence of a file or directory. eg. IF EXISTS :system/format echo "this disk has a format command" echo "you can look yourself. I'm not joking" ENDIF IF NOT EXISTS ram:ed copy c:ed ram: ENDIF @ENDNODE @NODE Lab "Lab" LAB label * LAB specifies a destination (label) for the @{" SKIP " Link SKIP} command. @ENDNODE @NODE MemClk "MemClk" MEMCLK ON|OFF|ALARM * MEMCLK is for using a clock shown in the border of the actual window. The current total free and chip free memory are also shown. It can do a DisplayBeep (short flash on all screens) at a specified time. The DisplayBeep can be converted into a sound by using a PD-utility for that or using Workbench 2.1+ . * Programmers: There will be only one "MemClock"-Task, even if you run MEMCLK on many windows -> memory and CPU saving. * MEMCLK ON switches the clock on or does nothing if it already exist. * MEMCLK OFF switches the clock off or does nothing if it does not exist. * MEMCLK ALARM shows the alarm time. If you type a time (see @{" DATE " Link DATE}) after ALARM, you set the alarm time. (You cannot set an alarm date or multiple times.) ( MEMCLK A is the same as MEMCLK ALARM ) eg. memclk on memclk off memclk alarm memclk a 21:34:07 * The clock can also be used on non-ZShell windows, but MAKE SURE that the clock is switched OFF BEFORE the window is CLOSED, otherwise you will see THE GURU (or an ALERT with OS2.0+) For example, to get a clock on the Workbench, type in ZShell wait 5;memclk on and press RETURN. Now you have 5 seconds to click on the Workbench screen. For removing use "wait 5;memclk off" . @ENDNODE @NODE NewCLI "NewCLI" NEWCLI [-Wnew_window] [-Sstart_script] [-Ccommand] [-N] [-Hhelpfile] [-E] * NEWCLI without arguments starts a new ZShell process. Things like paths, aliases and history buffer (!) will be copied to the new ZShell. The input/output window is created with the default specification. The startup script will be S:ZStart. * "NEWCLI -Wnew_window" is used for opening a window with different specifications than the default. If you specify just "-W", there will be no window and output will be send to NIL: ; if there is input necessary, the ZShell process will just end (for example at a end of a script). * "NEWCLI -Sstart_script" is used if the name of the startup script should be different from S:ZStart. If you specify just "-S", no script will executed. * "NEWCLI -Ccommand" @{" executes " Link Executing} the command when starting. No script will be executed. * See @{" Start from CLI " link CLIStart} for more information about the options. eg. newcli newcli -wcon:30/30/400/50/Shell newcli -wcon:50/20/500/100/Hello -ss:shell-startup newcli -sram:doassigns -w newcli "-wcon:30/30/400/50/Great Shell" "-cecho Welcome !" @ENDNODE @NODE Path "Path" PATH [-C] [path1] [path2] [path3] ... * PATH defines the command search path used by ZShell when searching for disk based commands (see @{" EXECUTING COMMANDS " Link EXECUTING}) . If you give the "-c" @{" option " Link option}, the old search path will be cleared and the new search path consist only of the given paths. eg. path -c c: ram:c df0: df1: This example will make it so that if you type a command which is not internal in ZShell, the @{" resident " Link resident} list will be searched for it, then the current directory, then the c: directory, then the ram:c directory, then df0:, and finally df1: * By omitting the -c @{" option " Link option}, you can add a number of paths onto the existing command search path. eg. path df2:c path df1:bin df1:myprogs * If, however, you type path with no parameters, the current search path will be displayed. * When starting ZShell the paths of Workbench (if available) will be copied. Note: It is a crazy thing that AmigaDOS shell always has C: as last path. In my startup-sequence you can find something like: "path ram: c: sys:utilities sys:system s: sys:prefs" In AmigaDOS shell the C: directory will then be searched twice if a command could not be found. Only having C: as last path slows down access, because most commands are in C:. That is why you have to specify C: explicite in ZShell where you want it. @ENDNODE @NODE Prompt "Prompt" PROMPT [string] * If no parameter is typed, the current prompt setting will be shown. eg. prompt * If a prompt string is specified, the current prompt setting will be changed to that string. The character "%" specifies a special prompt option: %p Insert whole path of current directory. %s Insert last part of the path of current directory. %n Insert CLI number %l Insert current input line number (for fun!) %c Insert last command (for even more fun ! :-) * You can use control sequences like in the @{" ECHO " link Echo} command. eg. prompt "%p> " {default prompt. Show current directory + ">"} prompt "%n.%s> " {show CLI number, then current dir, then ">"} prompt Hello! {shows "Hello!" at the start of every line} prompt %p^J^*32m> {Just try it!} @ENDNODE @NODE Quit "Quit" QUIT [error_code] * QUIT forces a script file to end, and return to the shell. An optional error code can be passed back (ie. 5=WARN 10=ERROR 15=BAD 20=FAIL etc). eg. quit 5 quit @ENDNODE @NODE Review "Review" REVIEW [bytesize|-C|-Sfilename] With the reviewbuffer you can see that again what scrolled out of the window or was @{" redirected " Link redirect}. In the reviewbuffer are all outputs stored. To see what is in the reviewbuffer just press SHIFT TAB. This activates the @{" MORE " Link MORE} text reader. * "REVIEW bytesize" (re)creates a reviewbuffer with the given size. * "REVIEW 0" removes the reviewbuffer. * "REVIEW" without arguments shows the adress and size of the current reviewbuffer. * "REVIEW -C" clears the reviewbuffer. * "REVIEW -S filename" saves the reviewbuffer to that file. eg. review 10000 {starts normal reviewbuffer} review 50000 {starts big reviewbuffer} review 0 {deletes reviewbuffer} NOTE 1: Because it uses a circular buffer with fixed size, this is much faster than having a fixed number of lines. The decrease in scrolling speed is neglible. NOTE 2: The Write function of the dos.library will be patched, so there might be problems with other programms that patch this too. @ENDNODE @NODE Run "Run" RUN commandline * RUN @{" executes " Link Executing} a commandline in a background task. If you want to execute several commands, you can separate them with \; . * By default output goes to the current window. To surpress output or to get it into a file or onto a different window you can use @{" redirection " link Redirect} symbols like ">" (no output), ">filename" or ">w" (to a new window). In case of output redirection the launched background task will be totally independent from the task it is launched from. * Input will be redirected to the same window output goes to. If you redirect output to a file, no input is possible (redirected to NIL:). Input redirection symbols does not make sense with the RUN command. * Because most things will be inherited to the new shell, you can use @{" Aliases " link Alias}. eg. run copy fred.doc prt: run >prt: type barney.doc run >w dir df0:\;ask @ENDNODE @NODE SetClock "SetClock" SETCLOCK LOAD|SAVE * SETCLOCK only works if you have a battery backed up clock (BBUC). It accesses the adresses $DC0000 and I do not know if it works with very old or very new (A1200) clocks. * SETCLOCK LOAD sets the systemtime (you can see the systemtime with @{" DATE " Link DATE} or @{" MEMCLK " Link MEMCLK}) to the time in the BBUC (hopefully this is the right time). * SETCLOCK SAVE first resets the BBUC, then stores the systemtime to the BBUC. To set the BBUC to the right time, use @{" DATE " Link DATE} to set the correct date and time, then use SETCLOCK SAVE. eg. setclock load setclock save @ENDNODE @NODE Skip "Skip" SKIP label * SKIP searches for the label within the current script file. If it finds it, execution continues from that point onwards. Labels are specified using the @{" LAB " Link LAB} command. eg. lab myloop dir ram: ask "list ram again? " if warn skip myloop endif @ENDNODE @NODE Stack "Stack" STACK [size] * Allows you to view or alter the current stack size. eg. stack {shows the current stack size} stack 30000 {sets current stack = 30000 bytes} @ENDNODE @NODE UnAlias "UnAlias" UNALIAS [alias1] [alias2] [alias3] [alias4] ... * UNALIAS removes one or more @{" alias " Link alias} definitions from the alias list. * UNALIAS without arguments removes all aliases. eg. alias f1 "cd df0:;dir^M" alias f2 "cd df1:;dir^M" ... alias f10 "ed df1:s/startup-sequence^M" unalias f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 ... unalias f10 @ENDNODE @NODE Wait "Wait" WAIT timeout * WAIT halts processing for the time given. Timeout is in seconds. You can abort this with CTRL-C. eg. echo "I'll wait a minute" wait 60 @ENDNODE @NODE Comments "Comments" ; blah blah blah blah * etc etc etc # hello ma * Placing a semi-colon, an asterisk or a hash character as the 1st character in the line of a script file allows you to place comments in it. eg. ; This is a comment line * If you want to place a comment at the end of a line, you have to put ;# before it. eg. info;#to see something interesting @ENDNODE @NODE BUILTIN3 "Builtin Commands for Advanced Users" These commands are thought for users with a deeper knowledge of the system. Maybe they are also useful for those not knowing of the system internals. Just try the examples to find that out. @{" Break " Link Break} task_description [signalmask|C|D|E|F] @{" Config " Link Ctrl} CTRLKEYS|MOREKEYS|DOT|HIDE|COLOUR|COPYSIZE|FNCSIZE @{" DiskChange " Link DiskChange} device @{" Flags " Link Flags} [CHECK|MATCH|ICON|WILD|ERRORS|DEBUG|CUT|ALL|HIDE|PIPE] [ON|OFF] @{" GetMsg " Link GetMsg} [portname] @{" Kill " Link Kill} device|taskdescription @{" Locate " Link Locate} [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE] @{" M " Link M} [start_address] [end_address] @{" PutMsg " Link PutMsg} port_description [number1|string1] [number2|string2] ... @{" Show " Link Show} D|I|L|M|P|R|S|T|V @{" Strings " Link Strings} sourcefile [count] @{" TaskPri " Link TaskPri} priority [task_description] @ENDNODE @NODE Break "Break" BREAK task_description [signalmask|C|D|E|F] * BREAK sets some signals at a given task * task_description can be one of: - task/process name (case dependent !) - task/process adress - CLI-process number (one from 1 to 20) - zero (0) for this task It will be checked if the node-type field contains TASK or PROCESS * signalmask is a longword; all bits, which should be signalled, must be 1 . Alternatively you can specify c,d,e or f to set the according signal to CTRL-C,-D,-E or -F. (CTRL-C is bit 12) * BREAK without signalmask (and c,d,e,f) given sets all signals the task is waiting for. eg. break RexxMaster {and it will be gone...} break Exchange c {Exchange will get itself off too} eg. If 2 ZShells are running. The one with the CLI-number 1 (get that out with prompt %n) lists a very large directory. You can break that by using the other ZShell typing: break 1 c Thats the same like you pressed CTRL-C on the ZShell number 1. @ENDNODE @NODE Ctrl "Config" CONFIG CTRLKEYS|MOREKEYS|DOT|HIDE|COLOUR|COPYSIZE|FNCSIZE This command is for changing the default settings. * CONFIG CTRLKEYS is for command-line-editing-keys-definitions (great word :). In other words: You can change the meaning of keys pressed with CTRL (Control) key and some other keys (TAB ^I, Backspace ^H, Return ^M, Shift-Return ^J, ESC ^[). "CONFIG CTRLKEYS" shows the current settings, "CONFIG CTRLKEYS WQSEIX[TYHJMLRVFP" sets the default settings. To change something, just change the character corresponding to the key pressed with CTRL. See some lines above for some CTRL- equivalents. eg. TAB is same as CTRL-I . So to use CTRL-K instead of TAB, you use: config ctrlkeys WQSEKX[TYHJMLRVFP Warning: You may get confused if you define one key twice. If you want to get really confused, try: config ctrlkeys WQSEKX[TIYMJHRVFP * "CONFIG MOREKEYS" shows the keys that can be pressed inside @{" MORE " link More}. The uppercase keys represent the cursor keys, default is: ABCDSTqsnjwrh It works similar to CONFIG CTRLKEYS. To use RETURN key to exit MORE use: config morekeys ABCDST^Msnjwrh (see also @{" ECHO " link Echo}) * "CONFIG DOT character" replaces the dot character (.) where it has a special meaning (@{" ECHO " Link ECHO},@{" SEARCH " Link SEARCH},@{" PUTMSG " Link PUTMSG}, dir back, force disk, abbreviation) eg. config dot * * "CONFIG HIDE pattern" sets the files that are hidden by @{" DIR " link dir} and @{" filename completion " link filenamecompletion}. The pattern must contain at least one @{" wild card " link wild_card}. "CONFIG HIDE" shows the current settings (by default none). eg. config hide {display current hiding pattern} config hide "" {unset the hiding pattern} config hide *.info {ignore *.info-files} config hide *.info|*.bak {hide files ending in .info and .bak} config hide ~*.tex|*.dvi {show only *.tex and *.dvi-files} * "CONFIG COLOUR colours" defines the use of colours. "colours" has to be a 8 digit number. The digit at position x defines to what colour number the default colour x is mapped to. Everything clear ? (I think no!) Thsi is global. Do not forget to make a CLS afterwards. eg. config colour 01234567 {sets the default colours} config colour 01111111 {switches to one colour mode, very useful with OS3.0+ to speed up scrolling} config colour 01233321 {if you want to use only 4 colours} * "CONFIG COPYSIZE bytesize" sets the size of the memory block used for COPY, MOVE and SPLIT to "bytesize" bytes. The default setting 50000 semms to be a good value for both harddisk and floppydisk. If you only use floppydisk try: config copysize 20000 and to display the current setting use: config copysize * "CONFIG FNCSIZE bytesize" sets the size of the memory block used to store the last used directory at @{" filename completing " link filenamecompletion} (=FNC). If this memory block (=FNC buffer) is too small, FNC has to read the directory again every time you press TAB and TAB cycling does not work. To save memory you can try: config fncsize 2000 for 2000 bytes FNC buffer or config fncsize 0 for no FNC buffer at all and to display the current setting use: config fncsize @ENDNODE @NODE DiskChange "DiskChange" DISKCHANGE device * Needed for devices which do not detect a diskchange. eg. mount rad:;diskchange rad: Makes your rad:-disk appear on the Workbench. diskchange ram: If the ram-disk does not exist yet, the handler will be started (and the ram-disk can appear on Workbench when done before LOADWB) @ENDNODE @NODE Flags "Flags" FLAGS [CHECK|MATCH|ICON|WILD|ERRORS|DEBUG|CUT|ALL|HIDE|PIPE] [ON|OFF] ... * With this you can configure some things. Use FLAGS without arguments to see the current settings. The meaning of the keywords are: CHECK: (default off) Activates or deactivates the programmers status line. It is intended to debug external commands. The status line (if activated) will only appear once a disk based or resident program has been executed. The line appears as follows: Result2: 0 time = 00:00:23.66 changes-> chip: 0 fast: 0 total: 0 Result2 shows the error code that can be asked for with IoErr. Time shows how long the program took to execute in hours, minutes, seconds, hundredths (This time does NOT include the time it takes to load the program from disk). Changes show if the program has left any memory still allocated. i.e. if 200 bytes of chip memory were left allocated by the program, then you see "chip: -200". The Return code (the program returns in D0) is shown as Fail-Level. It also does some low memory checks on 68000 CPU systems. Be warned if a "Changed ..." appears. Like Mungwall it sets address 0 to $C0DEDBAD. MATCH: (default on) By default @{" Filenamecompletion " link Filenamecompletion} shows all files that matches the given pattern. You can switch this off by using "FLAGS MATCH OFF". ICON: (default off, OS2.0+) This enables iconifying when pressing ESCAPE or clicking the Close-Gadget. To exit from ZShell use @{" ENDCLI " link Endcli}. You need Workbench running and ZShell must have opened its own window (start from Workbench, start with newcli or used -W when started from CLI). When iconifying, a icon is created on the Workbench and the window is closed. Double-clicking on this icon or dragging a file into it pops ZShell up again. Use the ToolTypes "ICONNAME", "XPOS" and "YPOS" to determine the name and position of the icon. ToolType "ICONIFY" lets ZShell start in iconifyed mode. WILD: (default on, OS2.0+) By enabling this, you force ZShell to use AmigaDOS @{" wildcard-patternmatching " link wild_card} instead of the internal matcher. Switch this off if you like the internal matcher better. ERRORS: (default off) Most external commands show their errormessages themselves, so you often see double error messages. Using ERRORS you can switch off this behaviour, but you risk to miss some errormessages ! If you see a large errornumber, this command assumed that there will be no error-output and does not set the correct errorcode --- this is badly programmed ! DEBUG: (default off) This is for testing/debugging script-files. Switching DEBUG to ON, the commands from the script appear on the window as they are processed (you need to execute the script for that, ofcourse), and redirection will be ignored (so you will see even output to >NIL: ). CUT: (default on) For @{" MORE " link More}. If ON, lines longer than the window will be cutted at the end. If OFF, too long lines will wrapped to next line. ALL: (default on) Enables the substitute ALL for the @{" option -R " link option}. Note that -R must be the first argument (or second after -Q) and ALL must be the last argument. (Only in this release you can place ALL anywhere you like) HIDE: (default on) When on the cursor will be hidden for outputting. This improves scrolling speed. Switching off is only thought for debugging. PIPE: (default on) If ON, real pipes will be used, pseudo pipes otherwise. See @{" Anonymous Pipes " link Pipes} for more. eg. flags icon on all off flags errors off all off check on flags e. off a. off ch. on {same as above} @ENDNODE @NODE GetMsg "GetMsg" GETMSG [portname] * GETMSG waits for a message arriving at the process-internal messageport (pr_MsgPort). The message will be shown, strings will be tried to detected (this could cause lots of enforcer hits). Then you will be asked if to reply the message. "y" replies it and should be used normally. "e" replies and gets back to waiting mode again. Abort waiting is possible with CTRL-C. * "GETMSG portname" gives the process-internal port the given name. Then it behaves as described above. * See @{" PUTMSG " Link PUTMSG} for examples. @ENDNODE @NODE Kill "Kill" KILL device|taskdescription * KILL lets the handler of a device (name ending in ":") end itself. It seems not to work with most handlers. Works with CrossDOS * It can remove tasks too, but this will likely crash, because it is NOT SYSTEMCONFORM ! See @{" BREAK " Link Break} for taskdescription. eg. kill PC0: kill Exchange @ENDNODE @NODE Locate "Locate" LOCATE [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE] * "LOCATE lockadress" (lockadress is a BPTR) shows information about that lock structure. fl_Access must be -1 (write) or -2 (read). * "LOCATE filename_or_dirname READ" gets an ACCESS_READ lock structure on that file/dir. * "LOCATE filename_or_dirname WRITE" gets an ACCESS_WRITE lock structure (exclusive lock) on that file/dir. This cannot be shown correctly, otherwise it would not be exclusive. * "LOCATE -C lockadress" unlocks (removes) the lock structure (BPTR !). * "LOCATE" shows all locks that are in system. Since OS2.0 this cannot show correctly all locks on RAM: because it is some kind of hack. eg. locate &21f45c {shows lock on adress $21f45c} locate $9f5b7 {shows lock with BPTR $9f5b7} locate -c $9f5b7 {removes this lock} locate ram:rdit read {tries to read-lock ram:rdit} locate c:mount write {tries to write-lock c:mount} locate (shows all locks in system} @ENDNODE @NODE M "M" M [start_address] [end_address] * M is a memory contents dumping command. * Typing M with a start and end address will display the hex and ASCII contents of those bytes in the memory locations specified. * Typing M with only a start address will display 160 bytes starting at the location specified. * Typing M with no parameters will display 160 bytes starting from the current memory location. * The current memory location is always one location higher than the last location shown by a prior M command. eg. m $70000 $77fff m $fc0000 m @ENDNODE @NODE PutMsg "PutMsg" PUTMSG port_description [number1|string1] [number2|string2] ... * PUTMSG is useful for testing programms which wait for a message, or to reactivate a task that waits for a message which will never arrive. PUTMSG sends a message to the given messageport. * port_description can be given in 5 (!) ways: - Name of the messageport - Adress of the messageport - 3 ways of a task_description, see @{" BREAK " Link BREAK}. This MUST be a Process because the process-internal messageport will be used. * number|string is a longword number or a string. If it is a number, it will just be added to the message. If it is a string, a adress pointing to this string will be added to the message. If number1|string1 was a point (.), the message will be initialized as an DOS-Packet. * After sending the message PUTMSG will wait for the reply and show that reply like @{" GETMSG " Link GETMSG}. Abort waiting with CTRL-C. WARNING: Your machine might CRASH if you send a message to a (Process-internal) port that is not waiting for this message. NOTE: PUTMSG without arguments makes a DisplayBeep (even without a window) and outputs the internal register value of A5. eg. putmsg testtask $21fd68 12 putmsg testport "Hello World!" If you have 2 ZShells, execute in the one with CLI-number 1 "getmsg". Activate the other shell and type putmsg 1 "like some chatting ?" The ZShell no. 1 should display that and prompt "reply ?". Answer "y" and the message goes back again. Now try "getmsg wurgutz" at one ZShell and "putmsg wurgutz $abcd" on the other. Do not forget to reply. * You can use PUTMSG to use the AREXX interface of a programm. This works with some programms even with OS1.3- and no AREXX-Package. eg. putmsg showdvi 0 0 0 0 0 "tofront" {gets ShowDVI to front} Instead of the first 0 you sometimes must write the adress of this task. If available replace the second 0 with a pointer to the rexxsyslib.library. The third 0 is called rm_Action. I do not know what it is for. The fourth and fifth are results, only interesting in the reply. eg. putmsg showdvi 0 0 0 0 0 "loadnew tex.dvi" * Specify a point as first number if you want to send a DOS-Packet. eg. putmsg DF0 . 0 1023 0 0 -1 {same as LOCK DF0: ON} If you get $FFFFFFFF as 4th longword, it was successful. (with OS1.3- you need to use FileSystem instead of DF0) @ENDNODE @NODE Show "Show" SHOW D|I|L|M|P|R|S|T|V * Shows some information about important exec-lists: - Devices - Interrupts - Libraries - Memory - Ports (MessagePorts) - Resources - Semaphores - Tasks (and Processes) - Vectors for reset-resident programs Use the first character of one of them as argument. * The output means: - Adress: hexadecimal start adress of the structure - Pri : Priority, often unused - Ver : Number of version (only with D,L,R) - Rev : Number of revision (only with D,L,R) - Name : Name - State : Task state (only with T) - SignWait : Signals, a waiting task waits for (only with T) - PT : Pr means Process, Ta means Task, Tm means Task with Messageport like Process (only with T) * If displaying the tasklist, the CLI-number (-> CLI ?:) and the loaded command will be shown at processes with cli-structure. ">" stands for output-redirected, "<" for input-redirected. "Bg-CLI" means background CLI. * SHOW V displays some important execbase pointers, which give a good indication of whether a virus is present in your system. WarmCapture, CoolCapture, ColdCapture, KickTagPtr, KickMemPtr, and KickCheckSum are displayed. If any of these are are NOT zero, then either a virus, RAD, or virus protector or some other program that takes control of your machine when you reset, is present. eg. show d {have a look at the device-list} show Devices {same as above} show t {This is REAL MULTITASKING ! :) } @ENDNODE @NODE Strings "Strings" STRINGS sourcefile [count] * STRINGS displays all valid ASCII strings in a file which have a length greater than or equal to the count. If no count is given, a default of 10 characters is used. * This command is very useful for finding out which libraries a program uses. eg. strings c:zshell 20 strings c:mount @ENDNODE @NODE TaskPri "TaskPri" TASKPRI priority [task_description] * TASKPRI sets the priority of a task, it can be displayed using "SHOW T". The priority must be between -127 and 128 and should be within -50 and 20 to avoid system-hangups. Standard is 0 . * task_description is same as described at @{" BREAK " Link BREAK}. * With one argument TASKPRI sets the priority of this task. * If task_description is given, TASKPRI sets the priority of the given task. NOTE: I did not like to call this command CHANGETASKPRI, because this name is really too long. eg. taskpri 2 {This task will be preferred} taskpri -1 3 {affects CLI no. 3} taskpri 4 Workbench @ENDNODE @NODE Changes "Changes" UP TO V1.3:See the source code of the ZShell V1.3 release (for example on FISH disk 537). @{" Author: Paul Hayter " Link Authors} Source: 103 KByte, Executable: 13 KByte, Doc: 32 KByte. V2.0:There were so many changes, I think there is no sense in listing them all here, because it may be longer than this document. So just read this document or the source code. All changes since V1.3 made by @{" Martin Gierich " Link Authors 9}. Released 14.10.94. Source: 180 KByte, Executable: 25 KByte, Doc: 72 KByte. V2.1 11.12.94: * IMPORTANT FOR THOSE WHO USED ZSHELL V2.0: Do not start ZShell V2.1 * * if ZShell V2.0 is resident. This will crash your machine ! * * Do not use ZSH V2.0 with ZShell V2.1 and vice versa. * - Added a @{" review " Link review} buffer to see that again what scrolled out of the window. A scrollbar will probably added in future. - Changed default @{" CTRL " Link CTRL}-keys; added 2 new CTRL-keys (see @{" HISTORY " Link HISTORY}). - Changed usage of @{" MORE " Link MORE} (you can still use the cursor keys). - @{" DIR " Link DIR} now hides all these files that @{" Filenamecompletion " Link Filenamecompletion} ignores. - Some bugs found with mungwall and scratch are fixed. V2.2 03.01.95: - Fixed a REALLY NASTY BUG that trashed taskswitching when closing ZShell. - @{" AmigaGuide-Documentation " Link Distribution} added ! - @{" RUN-Command " link Run} added ! - @{" NEWCLI " link NewCLI} has a new argument template. - @{" CTRL-J = Shift-RETURN " Link History} puts the command line in History buffer without executing. - @{" PROMPT " Link Prompt} now knows the args %s and %c :-) . Default Prompt changed to "%s> ". - Better building of the CLI-Interface when @{" starting " Link Starting} from WB. - Now the @{" Pseudo-Assign " link Assign} PROGDIR: is provided (OS2.0+ only). - @{" LIST -Q -R " Link List} also works; @{" DIR " Link Dir} can also list recursive. - @{" ECHO Hi There ! " Link Echo} will now do the same as ECHO "Hi There !" . - Improved options when @{" starting " link Starting} from CLI. V2.3 10.02.95: This time there are some real new features. Because now I have my OS3.1 Autodocs and Includes, I have added several features that can only be used with OS2.0+. There will be done version-checkings before using OS2.0+ specific stuff, so no need to be afraid of crashes. - New Commands: @{" MAKEICON " link MakeIcon}, @{" MAKELINK " link MakeLink}, @{" FLAGS " link Flags} and @{" MOVE " link Move}. - @{" DELETE " link Delete}, @{" COPY " link Copy}, @{" MOVE " link Move}, @{" PROTECT " link Protect} and @{" JOIN " link Join} are fully rewritten ! They now all use the directory-lister (for LIST and DIR) and therefore all support wildcards and recursive processing ! - @{" PATH " link Path}-Command is now AmigaDOS compatible. Paths from Workbench are duplicated on starting from Workbench. - Support of Hardlinks and Softlinks by @{" MAKELINK " Link MakeLink}, @{" LIST " Link List} and @{" DIR " Link Dir}. - @{" ASSIGN " link Assign} supports ADD, REMOVE, PATH and DEFER. - @{" Redirection " link Redirection} improved: Can also be redirected to @{" MORE " link More}. - Can be iconified to an ApplicationIcon (see @{" FLAGS " link Flags}). - Erroroutput is done by DOS. - @{" DELETE DEVICE " Link Delete} formats a disk quick, - @{" DELETE FORCE " Link Delete} ignores delete-protection-bits. - @{" Filenamecompletion " Link Filenamecompletion} can show all matching files. - @{" MORE " Link More} supports "more keys" and checks windowsize. - @{" ALIAS " link Alias} can work without surrounding quotes; now you have to remove \ before " ,sorry for any incompatibilities. - CHECK is moved to @{" FLAGS " link Flags}, VEC is moved to @{" SHOW V " link Show}. - RESET removed: It was a hack ! RECOPY removed: Has anybody needed it ? - First line in @{" Command History " link History} is the last changed line. - You can use ^* instead of ^$9b with @{" ECHO " Link Echo} and @{" PROMPT " Link Prompt}. - Really faaaast searching in @{" MORE " Link More}, @{" SEARCH " Link Search} and @{" HELP " Link Help1}. - Bugfix and new options when @{" starting " link Starting} from CLI. - New Tooltypes for @{" starting " link Starting} from Workbench. - @{" HELP " link Help} only searches the current dir and S: for the manual. Now there is not much of the original V1.3 release left, because most of the old parts are totally rewritten and size has more than doubled ! V2.4 28.02.95: Important bugfixes made ! - Application-Window allows dropping Workbench-Icons into ZShell-Window; OS2.0+ - @{" Check-Flag " Link Flags} checks writes to low memory - @{" SHOW task " Link Show} shows redirection/background - @{" DIE task " Link Die} removes task - @{" COPY " Link Copy} uses dots as progress indicator - If an error during starting occurs, there will be an @{" errormessage " Link ErrorStart} - Sets Wildstar-Flag in System, so you can use "*" instead of "#?" with all commands; OS2.0+ - @{" Hide-Flag " Link Flags} added. - Lots of bugfixes V2.5 11.04.95: - Localized most messages using the catalog of AmigaDOS, so no translating required (and I do not have to look for translators :-) ; OS2.1+ - Pressing @{" CTRL-F " Link History} a filerequester pops up; OS2.0+ - Possible to open own Public Screen on @{" starting " Link Starting}; OS2.0+ - @{" EXECUTE " Link Execute} uses AmigaDOS Shell for executing scripts and therefore no longer causes compatibility problems. To execute ZShell-scripts: set S-protection flag and use it like a @{" command " Link Executing}. - Correct inserting of strings when pressing function-keys or dropping an Icon on Window/AppIcon - Removed C: as default @{" path " Link Path}. This was a stupid idea I got from the AmigaDOS Shell. It is better to have C: as first path. - You can use textfiles/Amigaguides with E-flag set like a @{" command " Link Executing}. It will then be displayed using @{" amigaguide.library " Link Guide.lib}. With OS3.0+ this even works on everything supported by your datatypes (like pics) - Problems with foreign characters hopefully fixed - NEWCLI and RUN now copy stacksize, appiconname and windowname - Bugfixes: ASSIGN, DIR/LIST, DELETE DEVICE - ToolType ICONIFY fixed. It has NEVER worked ! - @{" Starting ZShell " Link Starting} chapter improved Source: 217 KByte, Executable: 31 KByte, Guide: 104 KByte. V2.6 02.06.95 (was not on Aminet): - Commands changed: @{" HTYPE " link HType} filename [offset] @{" LOCATE " link Locate} [-C] [bptr|name] [READ|WRITE] @{" CONFIG " link ctrl} CTRLKEYS|MOREKEYS|DOT|HIDE|COLOUR|COPYSIZE|FNCSIZE - New Command: @{" SPLIT " link Split} source dest length [offset] - @{" Filename completion " link filenamecompletion} now reads directory to memory to decrease access time. It is now fine to use on floppy disks, too. By pressing TAB multiple times you can cycle through the matches. - No more problems to delete the last used directory, because "dir back" (a single point as command) uses a string instead of a lock. - Showing files using Amigaguide does not check for the E-protection- flag anymore - Use ESC or Q key to quit @{" MORE " link More} - String comparison in Filename completion and DIR/LIST is now localized - OS2.0+: AmigaOS wildcards are used (they are localized). They are a bit different. To get back the internal ones use: FLAGS WILD OFF - Default prompt is now "%p> " again (something has to be changed :-) - New Tooltype: HELPMAN , new CLI option: -h - @{" Options " link Option} can be overridden by surrounding them with quotes - Bug fixes: DEL key, FLAG CHECK -> locks, scripts ending in LF V2.7 14.08.95: - Support of @{" anonymous pipes " link Pipes}. You can choose between real and pseudo pipes using @{" FLAGS PIPE " link Flags}. Multiple pipes and aliases are also supported. All internal commands can be left to "|". - Internal commands that can take data from standard input (stdin) (can be right to "|" only when using pseudo pipes): MORE, TYPE, HTYPE, STRINGS, SEARCH, EXECUTE ZSHELL - @{" EXECUTE ZSHELL scriptname " link Execute} executes a ZShell script - @{" RUN command " link Run} outputs to current window, @{" RUN >filename command " link Run} outputs to filename - @{" Redirection >W " link Redirect} opens a window - @{" MORE " link More}: Key N searches next occurence of searchstring - @{" PROTECT " link Protect}: You can use = similar to + or -, reduced disk access - @{" FLAGS CHECK ON " link Flags} does not count locks anymore, use @{" LOCATE " link Locate} instead - @{" MAKELINK " link Makelink}: HARD is default, SOFT must be specified explicitely - @{" DELETE dirname ALL " link Delete} deletes contents of the directory, then tries to remove the directory - @{" CTRL-P " link History} flushes FNC-buffer (useful on CrossDOS disks) - Default @{" prompt " link Prompt} is now "%s> " again - @{" EVAL " link Eval} uses now different symbols Bugfixes (Thanks to Christian and Timothy who reported most of them): - Review-buffer had to be less than 64K - Stderr provided (GNU-C likes it :-) - Line ending in "\" crashed - NEWCLI -Wfilename crashed - Versionstring fixed - If arguments are specified, command will not be interpreted as directory or textfile - COPY: If a disk full occurs, the incomplete file will be removed - COPY,MOVE,JOIN,SPLIT: Current dir bug fixed - Spaces before aliases did not work - Double redirections catched - ALIAS stack overflow catched - Bug with directorynames ending in "/" fixed - Source rearranged to go around 32K limit - Probably added some brand new nasty bugs and left some ugly old bugs :) - And what is best: Much improved versionnumber ! @{" ;-) " Quit} All changes since V1.3 made by @{" Martin Gierich " Link Authors 9}. @ENDNODE @NODE Problems "Known Problems" Here are listed known bugs and odd behaviours. * CrossDOS With MessyDOS being one big bug, the MessyDOS filesystem is part of a bug. :-) This means not all things AmigaDOS supports, is supported by CrossDOS, too. Especially @{" Protection bits " link Protect} are different, and @{" Filenotes " link Filenote} are not supported. Not to mention the 8+3 filename limit. A further problem is the missing @{" date-of-last-change " link Setdate} of the disk. Without this @{" FNC " Link Filenamecompletion} cannot determine whether something on the disk has been changed and even not whether the whole disk has been changed. So you have to update FNC manually by pressing @{" CTRL-P " link History} after a change. * @{" MORE " link More} If you are on the last page, scroll up some lines and scroll down some lines again, you will notice a weird behaviour. This is hard to fix. * @{" ALIAS " link Alias} alias list dir ; alias dir list does not exchange "dir" and "list", because nested aliases are allowed. This is not a bug, this is a feature ! * @{" Review-Buffer " link Review} Some commands, especially OS2.0+ only, use other ways to output text than dos.library's Write(). As a result this output will not appear in the review-buffer. Probably this will be fixed in future. * @{" DELETE " link Delete} If you want to delete a link, you have to describe it with wild cards, otherwise the original file will be deleted, because the system resolves links automatically. I do not have an idea how to work around it. * @{" MOVE " link Move} You have to make sure that the destination directory is not moved to itself like in "move * temp/". Maybe there are more strange behaviours in the MORE command, @{" I " link Authors 9} am waiting for bug-reports. :-) * DIR, LIST, COPY, DELETE etc. Directories nested very much, about more than 50 levels, and using recursive option to scan them, cause ZShell to crash. Still looking for the bug. * If you type a command and press Return while an other command (like DIR) outputs on the window, it will appear after the next prompt, but it will just be put in the history buffer without executing it. Sorry, there is no way to fix this, because the Return above is treated as Shift-Return by the system. Two solutions: 1.) Press cursor up (last line in history) and then press Return 2.) Use "config ctrlkeys WQSEIX[TYHKJLRVFP". With this Shift-Return will be the same as Return and CTRL-K will be what Shift-Return was before. * @{" Filename completion " link filenamecompletion} If you have a filename with a space in it, you have to make sure you type the quotes around it by yourself, this can hardly be done automatically. * @{" PATH " link Path} If you have multiple assigns (ASSIGN ADD) to your C: (or another) directory, PATH will accept only the first one. Add the other directories to the path by using "path directoryname". @ENDNODE @NODE Future "Possibilities for Future Improvements" Planned for next version: New documentation written by Timothy. (Hi Timothy, mailing you does not work, please try to mail me.) Other ideas/suggestions: * Quick directory changes by using a database * Full XPK-support * Scrollbar for review-buffer (this will be difficult) * Add more commands to the directory-lister (like makeicon,search) * Make KILL a real killer (windows, screens) * MAKEDIR can create nested dirs: If RAM: is empty "makedir ram:a/b/c" would create directory c in b in a in RAM: . * HEX option for MORE. * Applly configurable menues to the window * More options for the LIST command (especially LFORMAT). * Remove PUTMSG and GETMSG * COMPARE or DIFF command Less probable: * COPY asks to remove incomplete destination files. * RENAME command with wildcard support: "rename *.asm *.s" would rename all files ending in .asm to the same name ending in .s ! * Make it a commodity with hotkey. * Improve internal script file execution, like passing arguments, allow subroutine scripts and commands like FOR. * Include MOUNT/INSTALL command. * Faster scrolling (jump scroll/1 bitplane scroll) * Patch for 68000-Processors to be as fast as 68060/50MHz-Processors ;-) * Write a stripped-down version for MessyDOS; after starting this would say: This is ZShell V2.x *** Fatal error: no multitasking system ! ;-) If you want to see these or other improvements made, please write to @{" me " Link Authors 9}. If you do not, please write to me, too :-) Note that there is a (about) 32K limit of the executable, because I only use relative addressing (like in small code model). So suggestions what to remove are also welcome. I thought about making a separate version for OS2.0+: Command-line-editing and review stuff could be done best (most powerful) within a console-handler; there are already several available (as I know, the only one that is Freeware is KingCon), so I do not want to write another one. The disadvantages of these I have seen is that you need to change alot between mouse and keyboard and they are somehow slow on my system (and do not work on OS1.3- systems) and memory-hungry. Except for Command-line-editing and review, the inbuild commands are a main advantage of ZShell. These commands could be moved to one executable file; if this file was executed, it would create all inbuild commands as resident commands that could be used by the normal Shell. (This would be somehow like the MessyDOS COMMAND.COM file.) So if you used this file and a separate console-handler, you could work comfortably with the normal Shell. If there are enough people asking for that, I will think about writing such a "multi-command-file", but I will not write another console-handler. And, last but not least, I have to invest lots of time in my studies and I do not want to hang around all remaining time at the keyboard ! @ENDNODE @NODE Distribution "Distribution" Following files belong to this document: 1) ZShell The main executable 2) ZSH The small starter 3) ZShell.doc The documentation (and online help manual) 4) ZShell.guide The AmigaGuide documentation 5) ReadMe Short description 6) ZStart An example startup script (can be put in S: ) 7) ZShell.s Source code of the main executable 8) ZSH.s Source code of the small starter 9) Csh-Aliases Some aliases to make it a bit similar to UNICS csh and some icons. @ENDNODE @NODE Copyright "Copyright" COPYRIGHT (taken directly from the V1.3 distribution from Paul Hayter) ZSHELL IS FREELY DISTRIBUTABLE. YOU CAN DISTRIBUTE THIS AS LONG AS THIS DOC FILE REMAINS WITH THE EXECUTABLE, AND THAT NO CHARGE IS MADE FOR THEM (APART FROM A NOMINAL COPYING CHARGE). IF YOU FEEL LIKE SENDING ME SOMETHING FOR THIS PROGRAM, SEND ME A POSTCARD!, A P.D. DISK, A PROGRAM YOU'VE BEEN WORKING ON ,BUT DON'T SEND ME ANY MONEY (WELL, IF YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT TO, I GUESS I COULD PUT UP WITH IT). Note from Martin: This is an update to Version 1.3 on the Fish Library Disk 537 from Paul Hayter. I (Martin) tried to ask him for permission to release this, but he has not answered. Because the copyright notice is left unchanged and the original executable with documentation is included, I do not think that I am doing something nasty. (In the original distribution there was the source code included and there is nothing stated to distribute it only unmodified.) To make things easier I accept the same copyright notice for the parts I have written. They are marked in the source with V2.x (well, mostly). I estimate that about 70% of the source, executable and the documentation is from me. @{" I " Link Authors 9} would like to get your comment on ZShell to see if anybody is using it and what can be improved. @ENDNODE @NODE Disclaimer "Disclaimer" DISCLAIMER USE THE FILES OF THIS PACKAGE ON YOUR OWN RISK ! The authors are in no way responsible for what you are doing with it or what it does to you or your soft- and hardware. Amiga, AmigaDOS, AmigaGuide, Workbench and Kickstart were registered trademarks of Commodore-Amiga Inc and now probably are of ESCOM AG. MessyDOS and UNICS are not really trademarks (as I know) :-) @ENDNODE @NODE Credits "Credits" CREDITS FROM PAUL Many thanks to Wayne for his invaluable help in doing the history and command line editing parts of ZShell. Also, thanks to Tim Strachan who asked for the history stuff. ZShell was entirely written using Wayned by Wayne Hayter (various versions). And was assembled with A68K V2.61 by Charlie Gibbs. And linked with Blink V6.7 by the Software Distillery. CREDITS FROM MARTIN Many thanks go to: * The administrators of Aminet for their great work * Samu Nuojua for his great Freeware assembler SNMA ZShell V2.7 was assembled with V1.99: SNMA ZShell.S EXEOBJ OPTLEVEL 5 * Ralph Babel for the System0 code (see source) * Martin Mares for some fine assembler programs * Frank for using ZShell (I persuaded him :-) (V2.0) * Laura Mahoney for trying to send me a postcard and lots of mail * Igor Srdanovic * Willem MC Hogeweg (V2.1) * Nico Max * Max Stouugard * Alexandros Loghis for good ideas (V2.2) * Christian Steigies for sending me postcards, for really long mails, for lots of shocking bugreports :) and for betatesting * Oliver Hofmann * Holger Jakob * Hans Kruse (V2.3) * Nobody ! (V2.4) * Aristotelis Grammatikakis * Jonathan Marsh * Dominique Niethammer * Fredrik Solenberg * Teonanacatl * Chris * Fred Brooker for the music disk * David Klinect * Brian Myers (V2.5) * Timothy Cochran for rewriting the documentation (not finished) * Mark Dowe * Marek Petkov * Matthew Estela * Christian Hessenbruch @ENDNODE @NODE Authors "Authors" Please send any correspondence and/or bug reports referring V1.3 to me at the address below:- Paul Hayter PO Box 331 Ballina 2478 AUSTRALIA Please send correspondence, bug reports, comments, suggestions for future improvements etc. referring V2.x to this adress: Martin Gierich Narzissenweg 7 76297 Stutensee GERMANY (I would really like to get a picture postcard from you, even if you just wrote a "Hello" on it !) If you have EMAIL access, it would be nice if you send me one at one of these adresses: uj3w@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Internet) or to uj3w@ibm3090.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de (Internet) or to UJ3W@DKAUNI2.BITNET (Bitnet) I will try to reply EVERY EMail I get ! Please tell me your system-configuration, at least your Kickstart- Version, so that I see which kind of systems should be most supported in future versions. My system is an A500 with 200 MB Harddisk, 3 MB RAM, Kickstart 2.04 and Workbench 2.1 and a VGA-Monitor with Fickerfixer. Note that large parts of ZShell were developped under Kickstart 1.3 ! (Ah yes, and I have such a Vortex ATONCE AT-Emulator; the fastest thing it can do is to hang itself up, and they do not make any updates !) /\/\ o o / __ \ artin < (_/ \_) `---' @ENDNODE